Thursday, 26. December 2013
Mazatlan is a city rich in traditions and history, it was founded in 1531, and its name comes from the Nahuatl meaning land of deer. Its territorial extension is of 5,000 km.2, and is located 21 km from the Tropic of Cancer. Originally the main economic activity was agriculture, fishing and hunting. At present commercial fishing remains an important activity and represents a high percentage in the total income of the State. However, as the years have passed, and due to the natural beauty of the port and the friendly and helpful nature of its residents, tourism has become the most important activity; And it is now internationally known as the Pearl of the Pacific. Between 1847 and 1871, many countries tried to conquer it, but it was defended with great courage by their Mazatlecos. In the early eighteenth century, began to build one of the first and oldest buildings in the historic center, the chapel of San Jose; they began in 1835 and ended by 1842.
It is even older than the Cathedral which was built in 1856 to 1875. With the years Mazatlan has grown and has become a very important tourist destination, both for Mexicans as Americans and Canadians. The Mazatlecos are very proud people and don’t forget their roots, to the contrary. An important group of traders and businessmen in Mazatlan are working hard to rescue what a day the historic center, was rescuing the splendour of those years; Golden years, when the great-grandparents and great grandfathers came to Mazatlan in search of new opportunities, some of them with products to sell, others with gold to do business and others with nothing more than a dream in the heart. Those years represent work and an uphill struggle, represent the passion, the will and the great heart that constitutes the Mazatlecos. Why the Mazatlecos have not forgotten him, and the historic centre is a tribute to them, successful businessmen, famous artists and people who anonymously to live ordinary lives, made of Mazatlan what is now home to good, loyal, hardworking and friendly people.
Wednesday, 25. December 2013
When considering a reflection on ‘ ‘ School and family: a relation of aid in the formation of the being humano’ ‘ one evidences that it is primordial task in such a way of the parents, as well as of the school the work to transform the immature and inexperienced child into mature, participativo, operating, conscientious citizen of its duties and rights, possibilities and attributions. that this being in formation is future a conscientious citizen, critical and independent developing ethical values, enterprising spirit capable to interact in the way where it lives. In this perspective, family and school must use to advantage, to the maximum, the possibilities of nip of relations, because the adjustment between both and the union of efforts for the education of the children and adolescents must result, without a doubt none, in facilitator element of education and formation of the citizen. Of this form, it is suggested that the school feels blunt to rethink practical the pedagogical one, considering that the students are adolescent children/that they present singular characteristics and that if makes necessary to keep a work in partnership with the families, therefore, if the school desires to have an integral vision of the experiences lived for the pupils, searching to develop the pleasure for the knowledge, is necessary to recognize that it must play well-being, being the diverse dimensions of the human being. Since if adolescent children/and its family know the school where want to arrive, if they are involved in day-by-day of that they are the main beneficiaries, will be able to participate with more investments and autonomy in the search of the success in this taken over on a contract basis that he is to learn e, mainly, in the formation of a human being that develops its physical potentialities, spirituals and functionaries, through creative works, also involving the social environment in which they live, following the modernity and evolution of the world.
Friday, 6. December 2013
Of the fifteen interviewed, five had affirmed that they do not participate in the elaboration of the rules, being that the remain affirmed to participate for keeping the uniformizados children, to fulfill to the schedule of entrance and exit and for giving to opinions and/or suggestions in the referring meetings to the collegiate pertaining to school. In the interview with the pupils, with respect to the envolvement of them in the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician and if they know the same, we perceive that they are not made familiar to the project of the school, beyond not understanding its purpose, on the other hand, had affirmed to participate in the estudantis bosoms and events carried through in the school as the commemorative dates, for example. It is important to point out that to act in set it demands of all the commitment of to be conditional to a permanent desire of renewal and overcoming of new challenges. Being thus, it is crucial that the segments of the school review its attributions and that they do not lose them of sight, therefore, if thus to proceed will not run the risk of if accomodating in the omission, contributing, of this form, to keep the shameful picture in which if finds the education Brazilian. The final considerations In elapsing of the research, some conclusions had been gotten, verify that it does not have a participation accomplishes of the pertaining to school community in the elaboration of the Project Pedagogical Politician, considering the proper conception of what it is participation, a democratic process where if it suggests that the democratic management must necessarily imply the participation of the pertaining to school community in the elaboration and execution of the Pedagogical Project Politician of the school. With the analysis of the collected results, we observe that the Project Pedagogical Politician still meets in process of construction, moreover, the taking of decisions if of the one of collective form, is not centered in the managers and contradictory pedagogical coordinator becoming, between what he is ideal and what in fact happens.