Wednesday, 30. March 2016
Many temporary workers whose contracts of employment were directed to the CGZP likely to void collective agreements, there are entitled to “Equal Pay” up to 3 years retroactively – the regular limitation period after BGB – high demands on the borrowing employer have to. Also claims from 2007 are still not barred, because 199 calls BGB for the start of the limitation period, that the claim arose and the creditor of the circumstances substantiating the claim gained knowledge. Background according to a decision of the Federal Labor Court (BAG) in Erfurt can the umbrella organization of Christian trade unions work no collective agreements in the future complete (1 ABR 19/10). The first Senate made the validity of existing CGZP contracts though no details, but not obvious is why something else should apply to the past. Now, many temporary workers are entitled to comparable remuneration compared with their (former) temporary employer. Should this action way be claimed, must first obtains information about the there paid comparison wage at the user undertaking are. Since January 2003, there is a prohibition of discrimination in accordance with article 9 for temping agencies Nr.
2, 10 par. 4 employee hiring law (AuG). As well, employers must pay salaried employee, which he gives to other companies, with him as workers with the same activity in the user undertaking. This is not true only then when a lower remuneration is provided on the basis of a collective agreement for the temporary employment relationship relevant. This exception is hidden behind the small Bay, “A collective agreement may allow derogations” in 9 Nr.
2 AuG. That means in addition to comparable wage can also other remuneration elements – how about surcharges, Christmas or holiday money – be claimed, the workers of the borrower company, but not the temporary agency workers have received. Statute of limitations starts the validity of claims according to 199 BGB with the Emergence of the claim and the notice of the circumstances substantiating the claim. Entitled to comparable pay for 2007 was created in 2007. It is questionable but, when the workers took note of the claim the circumstances giving rise. The complicated legal situation speaks my opinion clearly ensure that the Statute of limitations in any case prior to the decision of the BAG has started. It is unanimous legal opinion that complicated and intricate legal situations can lead to doubts, that exclude the beginning of the period of limitation until the clarification. Therefore the knowledge of the conditions of eligibility was missing until the decision of the BAG and the Statute of limitations could not start. Thus, the validity of claims of temporary workers on “Equal Pay” begins with the end of the year 2010. The claims in 2007 leave himself so also now still assert. Claim, legal counsel is recommended due to the complex situation. Contact: Law firm said Zahir farmer 8 81539 Munchen Tel. 089 – 54 89 92 52 mobile 0170-68 81 52 8 Fax 089-54 89 92 53 E-mail:
Monday, 28. March 2016
Much is commented currently on quotas in public universities, competitions. As not to think about racism if proper racism it is inside of itself, when one expects in this, the chance to go ahead. Reserve of quotas was much more easy if comparative to the component agency of the human body that is the brain, located of equal for all. Gary Kelly often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Racism if keeps through this ' ' apoio' ' governmental, of this ' ' mark registrada' ' , or it would be only one way to burlar the incompetence of the schools, way to prevent a worthy investment, that the education deserves, knowing that in few years tera a superior education, in a public institution? Institution already by the way ' ' pblica' ' , of all and not of a group of people, independent of color or race. Also I place the question of a promising career, good wages. Which the empregabilidade guarantee? Marcela de Morais Da Silva Technologist in Oil and Gas.
Friday, 25. March 2016
It is time to wake up, therefore inertia makes of the human being, a massivo, seized being. We live in a State that it looks to assure an identity, that already is in the past one of ' ' Gentlemen of Engenho' ' , or in the Old Republic, of ' ' Great Cafeicultores' '. Old republic, is there, beauty alias, that calhava mui to our extempornea society well. The past serves and transveste in the soul of the souvenir to be relembrado, in order to extract scholars teachings. It must be argued that we live deeply the new, still more, when if New Brazil is applauding, that is born of the flaming letters of the Constituent of 1988, that it signals the yearnings of the coming society well: plrima, exempts and democratic. The march must be toada to the front, the progress is made solid with investments; it is necessary to invest in new governing and legislators.
To invest requires the accurate mention of the risks and fruits that will happen, for this, only with the politicalization, haurida in the critical sense, we will effectively obtain to grow. The tears run when seeing itself wasted quo great contingent human being, who no nation will see, deriving of the miscegenation, and classrooms that dream in tomorrow. However, believers who this tomorrow will only become reality with the ascension the power of right men, with brio, whom they believe in the importance of its mission, of formadores of opinion, of symbols, that fight against the inaqualities in its infinite forms. The reason, and the call, becomes of motto to this iderio, invokes the presence of justice, with its impartial vision, but with limpid and briosos, tendenciosos ears to listen to the tranquility, and feeling of waking up of new Brazil.
Wednesday, 23. March 2016
Jade Barbosa, in article published in the column Third Sector (), in 09/07/2010, confirms this important paper of the third sector when affirming that this, ‘ ‘ in part, it represents the legitimate interests of the society and is responsible for articulating politics, in fact, Pblicas.’ ‘ Second it places the founder and coordinator of the AfroReggae, ‘ ‘ the amnesty is the instrument that lacks to change the situation of jovens.’ ‘ Online of 24/07/2010 under the name speaks published in the O Globe: ‘ ‘ Amnesty who to abandon the traffic ‘ ‘. (). I am partisan of the amnesty. In the studies raised in the field of work in the Complex of Slum quarters of the German, in the interviews in the headquarters of the AfroReggae de General Vigrio in 2009, I was witness of how much it has of young that they desire to leave the traffic and according to its proper one it speaks, ‘ ‘ to be diligent honesto’ ‘. Also I witnessed the difficulty of of this if giving, in the measure where to be living of slum quarter in our hypocritical society ‘ is one; ‘ plus’ ‘ in the process of exclusion of the wealth socially produced in our country. The quarrel of the advantages and disadvantages of this initiative if of whenever the subject is presented. It is important to perceive the necessary and urgent quo the establishment of alternative measures to the imprisonment, the summary execution and the social exclusion of this important parcel in our great centers. For me, the amnesty is presented as one politics of social insertion and reduction of damages.
Despite the project represents ‘ ‘ gastos’ ‘ to the public coffers, I believe that such expenses can consist in investment, over all in the preparation of a population that is economically active, hand of necessary workmanship to a country that has a horizon of development in world-wide the economic field. The imprisonment politics if presents inefficient, expensive, corrupted and violating of the human rights. Nor a project of insertion of deriving young of the traffic of drugs can be more expensive than about R$ 1,700, 00 of cost that represents each prisoner in our insolvent debtor jail system. To face with seriousness and exemption the questions ‘ ‘ gargalo’ ‘ of the development of our nation it is a commitment of all. This commitment if presents more clearly in our country now, during the elections. As the decision of this subject on the amnesty it is of legislative matrix of the federal one, is a question here that me it intrigues: We are prepared to choose, in next October, legislative a really competent one and compromised to the questions of the public security guard and to the yearnings of the Brazilian people?
Wednesday, 23. March 2016
(Wedge, She is necessary to speak inside now in articulated education of a national system of education. The voice of the 3,889 lecturers was changedded into 677 emendations to be to be reference in the elaboration of the new PNE 2011 /2020 inside of a National System of Education that according to participant the absence of a SNE configures the fragmented and disarticulated form of the effective educational project in the country. To breach practical politics with the functioning of the Brazilian education as is given, that is, capitalist relations of state, gerencialistas characteristics, state bourgeois, and others are in fact, challenge to that considers such rupture, considering themselves that for this, one politics is necessary that has left legal documents and gains consistency in the implementation. It is clearly, in thesis, the ways most favorable to an education with continuous and articulated quality. For example, when understanding that an education is not developed without financing such alternative in terms is placed as CAQ Aluno/a-Quality Cost. in fact, the values established in law, the logic of the speech, go to the meeting of the relation value pupil/year and the parity education/quality, however the speech of the increase of the value is, doubtless, what it is not assured, mainly in public education is the concretion of the value/quality. Currently, with the FUNDEB, the national average of the value pupil/year quality is of R$ 1.415.97 2010 placing in quarrel investment x, not overshadowing the growth of such value in relation to the previous years. Ahead of this reality, a special look to the new PNE is necessary National Plan of Education to be implanted from 2011, in view of the necessity of sustainable politics of education. Axle II – Quality of the Education, Democratic Management and Given Evaluation the Brazilian, situated educational reality in contradictory spaces as for financing x results, we detach the approach given for the document of the CONAE, social quality and democratization of the management.
Tuesday, 22. March 2016
ADMINISTRATION AND MEDICINE VETERINARY MEDICINE Brazil if avizinha of next the 30 years to assume a role of prominence in some scenes, that will start to demand of integrated form action interdisciplinares, that they will complement themselves. Sabidamente that our I.E.S are governmental or particular they, leaves to desire in relation to the adequacy of its Curricular Gratings in relation the current realities and necessities of the nation. At the same time where its pictures of professors? masters and doctors and some with after-doutorados a time installed in its rooms and or cabinets, if accomodate before the excuse that education is defective, that the institution does not invest in the improvement of the education, that it does not make possible and nor sponsors ways of improvement it education standard. Conclusion. We are pouring in the tree-lined avenues of the life, professionals who exactly graduated with escol and have detached, do not know the reality Brazilian. In special the reality of the Brazilian agronegcio.
This will be the great car-head of next the 19 years. Other sectors they will go to develop itself for a survival question and because the society was of them dependent. The electronic traquitana is not imagined an urban human being if all. Difficult to imagine a crisis of abstinence of cellular, of Ipod, notebook and others as much. The generation that was born before the Internet already is total dependent of the T.I and the current generation was abduzida. Brazil will have to be the great supplier not of Internet, but of foods. We do not have more viable agricultveis land supplies. The Europe tried in passed years, to recoup 27 million hectares so that it had an increase of food production and concluded that workmanship hand does not exist to promote this type of politics and that the costs would be enormous, I subsidize as well as it necessary to keep the current existing systems and more the futures, would not be viable.
Friday, 18. March 2016
The Managing Committee of the PDRS Xingu, in accordance with the Decree N 7,340, of 21 of October of 2010, has the attributions of monitoramento, joint and planning in set with the society for the implementation of the plan, evaluation and revision of effectiveness, elaboration of annual reports to be presented to the National Chamber of Politics of National Integration and Regional Development and the elaboration of the Internal regulation of the plan. Participation of the Managing Committee 05 representatives of the Federal Government, 05 Representatives of the State Government, 05 representatives of the Municipal City halls, 01 representative of employers of the urban sector, 01 representative of employers of the agricultural sector, 01 representative of the sector fishing boat, 01 representative of the company Norte Energia s.a., 04 representatives of the syndical entities of the urban, agricultural workers and of the fishing, 04 representatives of the too much segments of the civil society understanding the social movements and ambient organizations in the area of abrangncia of the plan, 02 representatives of the aboriginal communities proceeding from communities in the area of direct influence of the enterprise of Beautiful Mount, 01 representative of education institution and operating research in the abrangncia area. The participation in the Managing Committee in accordance with the Decree does not try any remuneration, being considered as rendering of services of excellent public interest. However, much even so the Plan institutionalizes a managing committee and guarantees the participation of the civil society as a whole in its initial process of quarrel until the implementation of the actions of the plan, the same does not guarantee a formation process that it guarantees to this population conditions of pautar the internalizao of investments for the region, the democratization and ambient management and the consequent minimizao of socioambientais impacts in the region..
Thursday, 17. March 2016
Through the first half year of 2012, the situation from the reports of the engineering machinery (sand making machine) reflects a collective marketing monotonous. However, it is not the case as the imagination. 2012 is doomed to be a stagnant year. As far as this problem is concerned, we should be cautious and prudent as well. According to the analyst, engineering machinery is still a promising industry.
The engineering machinery: the ignored faint hope. Currently, the investors seem to lose confidence in the further performance of the engineering machinery. But from the approval of the project by the Development and Reform Commission in May to close basis between the Ministry of Railways in July, it has become a relatively certain event that infrastructure is going to recover under a slow growth. Nevertheless, the regulation of the real estate has not original tools, which is conductive to maintaining the expected stability of the real estate. We still hold the judgment that the engineering machinery sales will outstrip the season and excess return rate of the engineering machinery shares will reappear. Coal machinery: it is going to enter an excess return period at the end of the third quarter. Recently, a large-scale adjustment occurs to the class A shares of coal machinery stock, which is intrigued by several factors like domestic coal demanding growth declines as well as the negative impact on the coal price brought by the imported coal. After the fall, the PE and PB valuation from the to share Coal Machinery Company has fully integrated with the internation.
It is estimated that the impact in Mar. from the import coal is about to decrease, and before Apr. the season for storing coal, approaches, the machinery is hopeful to get restored and regain return excess coal. Energy machinery: Pull the shale gas development trigger. The second round of qualifying run of the shale gas is proceeding in August, we have specifically analyzed three elements influencing the development of Chinese shale gas, they are economy, political support and technical feasibility. We hold that the shale gas development in the 12th Five-Year period belongs to a technical reserves phase, while a real breakthrough will happen during the 13rd Five-Year period.
Wednesday, 16. March 2016
Increasingly there are more individuals who created a virtual company in your own home according to a study conducted by the company specialized in e-commerce for SMEs and autonomous solutions are becoming more people who decide to create online shop from their houses. Increasingly, people who have initiative and do not expect to work, dropping them from heaven put hands to work and create a virtual store, allowing them to work from anywhere and have prospects in life. It is the conclusion to which arrives, people with initiative goes forward and undertakes. This trend is this increase in months, and it is good news, already does not depend on subsidies or official, entrepreneurship is the future. If you are looking for an idea to create your own store on the Internet, this is a great opportunity, it is without a doubt a booming sector and which is giving very good results. To make you easier initiation into Internet sales, Sysban offers online store solutions from 18.95, putting at the disposal of the freelancers and small companies the most advanced design of stores online, accommodation infrastructure Web, and telecommunications..
Wednesday, 16. March 2016
Every year we see that there are a greater number of portals on the Internet dedicated to announce job vacancies. is one of the few job boards in Spain specializing in the tourism and hospitality sector. We strive every day to offer a good service, both companies who choose our website to advertise their job vacancies, and those seeking employment. However, there are still people who refuse to use the job boards to find work. According to my experience, they tend to be people who have had a bad experience with this media or who simply because of ignorance do not trust in the effectiveness of the Internet job search. Personally, took bags of employment since 2002, as a candidate (looking for employment), whether used as a company (announcing tenders and selecting staff), or as a creator of a Web project of bolsa de empleo. Therefore I well know the advantages and disadvantages of these products.
For those who have not yet decided to use the job boards to find work or they simply doubt its benefits, I turn to enumerate some of the advantages and disadvantages of these products. Advantages: 1. you can send your CV to several offers of employment and companies at the same time. 2. Once you have a user account with your CV and contact information is no longer lack peder time by printing your CV, writing and sending letters to companies. 3 Is cheap, it is often free to users who are looking for work. 4. Increasingly more companies use employment bags, therefore every time there is greater number of job offers on the Web. 5 Companies that advertised on the Internet tend to provide information on their corporate website, therefore we can access that information quickly. This can help us to be more prepared and better informed when doing an interview.