Basic Ensino
Wednesday, 8. June 2016
As soon as the understood ones on ' ' Educao' ' in the state of So Paulo they had had the idea to prepare a notebook of activities based on the resume of the series of Basic Ensino and Average and to send these, to the schools to be followed for professors and pupils, seems that the idea starts to invigorate and crianada the spoon the fruits of this investment. But still it lacks much thing to move! She is necessary much humildade, effort and to like the profession to adhere to this idea launched for the State secretary of the Education. With this alternative, that Agency, guarantees that the majority of the professors prepares the lessons, studies the subject, searches what they had not learned or better, does not know and if they prepare to give a lesson with better quality. Still it lacks very in relation to the adhesion of certain professors. The contents are presented in emend, notebooks of activities for professor and one for the pupil.
Some subjects to be studied, which is grafados in this notebook, still are left stop backwards, for being strangers for a good number of masters, lamentably! Still they continue in the net those loafers who polish subjects for laziness to search and to explain to the children in a logical sequncia it subject. She is necessary to move! The professors need to acquire knowledge themselves of the paper who exert in the formation of educating! They cannot be negligent people and to enter in the classroom without intention. He has much that to perfect for terms a significant improvement in the Brazilian education. He has little was observed a transferred pupil. This pupil, with easiness if adaptou in the new school, however the content given in the semester was not the same of the notebook of activity of the pupil.