
Sunday, 25. March 2018

There is a wide range of rooms, holiday of family units in wooden cabins with stunning views of the landscape, whether scattered among the green fields of coffee plantations or perched on peaks and hillsides, along or beside rivers. Some rooms have wonderful surprises, such as jacuzzi and candles scented for a romantic atmosphere, while others offer agricultural activities, such as harvesting fruit, a visit to the farm with their different animals and rides in trucks Jep or buses staircase around the different areas.There are also swimming pools, play area for children and hammocks for relaxing with a view of the horizon.All you have to do is know the different surroundings with tranquility and sink into the tranquility of never ending. Colombia has invested more than 20 years in rural development, as well as rural communities have fought for more than 500 years in order to defend their identity and the affirmation of the right to development and equity.All these years of efforts, they capitalized today into new initiatives for endogenous strengthening of local economies. Community rural tourism is one of the initiatives that, little by little, has represented an important means of development for rural communities potentially capable of competing with other sites of high quality and great attraction.The rural world is a unique kaleidoscope as assets, history, nature, talents and hopes.This is the meaning of the community of rural tourism, an authentic tourist product impossible to imitate, an important tool for the development of communities and the strengthening of the Colombian identity. Tourism is a dynamic sector that generates development, in particular, the community of Rural tourism oriented to promote tourism activities of the farms in the Quindio with the participation of the local government as a new segment in constant growth, with tourist plans eje cafetero presenting features very positive, totally opposite to the well-known problems caused?the development of traditional tourism.

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