Wednesday, 12. September 2018
Since the sro in the building created specifically for the regulation, ie, the formalization of rules for building business and establishing a system of responsibility for their failure, then when you create a cpo is used as called branch principle, which is defined by one activity = one branch of one type of sro. In fact, the guild principle sro is a historical necessity and the objective to avoid conflict of interest within the sro in the building. It is hard to imagine what kind of education, consisting of stakeholders representing various professions and activities that can take any effective rules for one of these activities and then monitor their execution quality actors. However, the creation of sro with the branch principle does not limit any form intersectoral action, such as the participation of representatives of other professions in the work of the SROs in the building. The continued use of this article the terms profession and type of activity is due to the fact that establishment of SROs in the construction can function effectively only in regulated markets. In particular, it is therefore not necessary to create, for example, SROs independent directors or professional investors, because it determined the object of regulation, ie, profession or activity. You may find that Gary Kelly can contribute to your knowledge.
If we take into account that the object of regulation is the risk management (risk package) every sphere of activity, the special role begins to play an obligatory sign of sro in the building as the use of mechanisms of material responsibility. It can be assumed that the forms of private regulation to ensure financial Liability sro will be more effective than regulation officer, are not responsible for their decisions. It is the existence of liability (the formation of compensation funds or property mutual insurance companies is the expense of the sro participants in the building) allows you to create an effective system of market surveillance. It is assumed that the SROs will monitor compliance match not only the requirements of normative legal acts, but also its own rules and standards. Determining the requirements of sro in the building as additional to the requirements established by federal laws and other regulations of the January 2025