Cultural Berlin Lodge
Monday, 8. July 2019
Under this title the cultural lodge Berlin organises in cooperation with of Literaturwerkstatt Berlin week of citizenship 17 September 26, 2010 a panel discussion date: Friday, September 24, 2010 time: 14:00 17:00 place: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, Knaackstr. 97 10435, Berlin, many people feel the need to culture, but often for financial reasons unable to participate in the cultural life of their city. The cultural lodge Berlin free visiting of cultural events enables people with low incomes in cooperation with social and cultural partners. The project is an example of successful volunteering and networked sectors that often separate act in addition. Representatives of these sectors of culture, Social Affairs, economy and science will discuss in two rounds of Panel and others in which integration and potential for identification has culture in our society and how volunteering can help to tackle social exclusion and new Room for manoeuvre to open: PANEL 1: poverty and WANTING more! -CULTURAL participation PANEL 2: sustainability, culture and VOLUNTEERING as panelists include loaded Wolfgang Buscher (Ark, Christian children’s and youth movement e.V.) Ute Jaross, (Gold network social markets, Gold network gGmbH), Kerstin Makowski (hostel to the home e.V.
Berlin), Gudrun silk Raghavan (Berlin Cathedral), Bianka Thielke (cabaret the voles). The event is free of charge. All people are welcome as listeners, who are interested in volunteering, cultural participation and sustainability. CONTACT: will be asked to subscribe via email until September 20, 2010.