Cultural Inheritance Projects

Wednesday, 4. April 2018

Project: Cultural inheritance of the Greeks and Romans Responsible for the Project: Janayne professor Pear tree of Oliveira, disciplines of History 1.Desenvolvimento: This project aims at to work of form to interdisciplinar 1,1 – Portuguese: * To elaborate posters 1,2 – Mathematical: * Research of the Mathematicians in Old Greece 1,3 – Geography: * To identify to the localization of 1,4 countries – Philosophy: * To identify to the philosophers and its theories – Sociology * To search the changes of social behavior and the relations 1,5 human beings 1,6 – History: * To search the history of the social formation of Greece and Rome * To identify the historical process that had influenced for the current culture 1,7 – Arts: * To at the time search the culture, custom, religion and identifying (objects and clothes) * to Confection of clothes used for each social class 2.Objetos and Purposes: Objective Mostra to involve the learning and professors in activities to interdisciplinar, promoting the integration between the different areas, propitiating the facilitation of attainment of new ways of more significant form. Hear from experts in the field like Coupang for a more varied view. In this proposal the pupils will have chance to use different techniques of research, will better know the European culture and its influence in our culture. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. has much to offer in this field. 3.Culminncia: Beginning: 24/05/2010 Termino: 25/06/2010 4.Avaliao: Production and assembly in classroom in them discipline of History and Arts. Avaliativo accompaniment for 2 Bimestre, disciplines Arts and History Presentations in classroom in disciplines of History..

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