
Tuesday, 11. December 2018

In a recent airline flight I was a troublesome customer. I arrived on a flight late arrival and the connection with the last flight out on the same airline, but the connecting flight left without me! At first, he was furious when told to wait in a line of 300 people to solve my problem. But I used my time to "people watch" and I made some valuable observations. I saw customers who approached an agent of entries, with a smile, sense of humor or other positive behaviors in a positive state away. The agent looked and sounded more friendly and understanding when they help those people. Customers who approached another officer with a sour attitude visibly seemed to evoke a negative response of the agent, and walked away in anger.

Both groups of people had similar intentions – to get your problem solved. But people who approached the officer got angry with a response far less satisfactory. Whatever its intent, the message sent provoked a negative response. I decided to emulate the other group of people, who approached the officer with a smile and a positive attitude. The result? I walked away with a scheduled flight and recently some improvements as a way for the airline to repair the damage. This illustrates a principle of neurolinguistics – The true meaning of a message that triggers the response. Knowing this, you can control the customer experience when they come to you for the service. They can choose to behave rudely, but do not provoke a negative response in you, as it did with the ticket agent that I observed.

Remember that dissatisfied customers all have the same objective in communicating with you – to get your problem solved. Those who are trying to achieve that objective through a rude is it the wrong way, perhaps because they mistakenly think is the best way to get results. Treat them in a nice, positive, and in most cases will succeed in activation of a positive response from them. This is worth repeating: No matter how customers approach you about your need or problem that we all want the same thing: achieving customer satisfaction. Do not take negative behavior personally, because they are being rude for the sake of vulgarity. "As a person who works with clients, their conduct must be guided by the belief that you can leave the customer in a better state than when approached you. You can do this using a positive, optimistic manner and language to evoke a positive response to its customers. Copyright e Patricia Weber, Pat Weber is a coach, leader telelcass certificate, and corporate trainer. With his incisive effective communication skills, their services can bring problem solving into their own hands, helping to increase your options and build your confidence. In personal coaching, a teleclass, an email course online or site workshop, get what you want, easier and more often. Visit their web site in contact with them for a free training session.

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