Daily Payhistory

Tuesday, 12. April 2016

The research has its origin already in the stage of Scientific Initiation, in a project financed for the CNPQ of which I was scholarship holder of the PIBIC. The developed activities had had as purpose the construction of the register of the existing manifestations rupestre in the area of the Cariris Old, project that initiating in the 2005 with the Rupestre Art of the Basin of the River Tapero, being under my responsibility ordinance and representation of the relative data to the rupestre art. The general objective is to try to verify what the rupestre art represents for the prehistoric population. which the possible relations of the forms of occupation of the archaeological small farms while related the ritual forms with the production of the grafismos, a time that the rupestre art is product of the mind produced human being of systemize form following a proper criterion of the prehistoric culture. It can be observed, empirically for available literature (MARTIN, 2005 and 1997, ALMEIDA, 1979, for example), that the occurrence of small farms with rupestre art not if of the one in random way, but before, an election of the landscapes of insertion of these small farms occurs. In the research we will use the descriptive comparative method to get given concrete concerning the searched small farms. With this methodology it is possible to observe the environment that the small farms are inserted and the composition of the same ones.

We will also use as analysis of the small farms the tipolgicas tables that will go assisting in them in the description of the grafismos that each small farm presents, being thus you divide in geometric grafismos and natural grafismos. Geometric Grafismo. Photo Azevedo Netto. 2007. Naturalistic Grafismo. Photo Azevedo Netto. 2007 Conclusion The present research, that is in phase of collection of data, has for purpose to investigate the inference of the rupestre art in how much a practical ritualidade or rite inside of daily if the same one she is inserted in the act of its production come back toward a register of the ancestral ones or as communication form, or landmark of 309, 1997.

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