Economic Commentary

Tuesday, 10. March 2015

I found this interesting article about the education superior in Colombia, that was written by Mr. Sergio Clavijo, and who I allow myself to reproduce by this means. During 2002-2009, the gross cover was increased from 24,2% to the 35,5%, implying an expansion of the registered ones of a 57% (570,000 new students), to see Economic Commentary of Day 23 of August of 2010. Nevertheless, when doing international comparisons we see that still enough we are left behind in Colombia, because until the moment we showed ourselves to the average of cover of Latin America (35%), but are far from the observed ones in Uruguay (64,3%) or Chile (52%). Colombia also appears straggler in the levels of specialization. According to the Ministry of Educacin Nacional (MEN), only 3% of the students belong at the level of specialization and 1% to the one of masters.

The doctorates have very small participation of the 0,1%. Indeed, while in Chile and Brazil the professionals with doctoral studies are of 15 and 50 doctors by each million inhabitants, respectively, in Colombia we only arrived at 2 (to see Economic Commentary of Day 16 of June of 2009). The Network of Indicators of Science and Latin American and Inter-American Technology (RICYT) reported that the number of graduated at doctoral level in Colombia was only of 98 professionals, number reduced against those of Chile (395) and Argentina (746). Of there the importance of improving the human capital with access to studies in the outside, where Colciencias, Icetex, DNP, Bank of the Republic and Colfuturo have come playing a central role. It is possible to emphasize, especially, the effort of the own Colombian private sector through Colfuturo, organization that has known to operate synergies with the government and the multilateral ones. According to its more recent report, Colfuturo (2010) has managed to benefit 4,100 professionals, of who 801 has inclined by doctoral studies.

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