God Power

Saturday, 10. November 2018

We must add immediately that, according to our author, not even the defense of the common good by itself legitimizes the exercise of the power. The common good demands that if it dislikes the deliquency and, for in such a way, is certainly necessary that it has a person authority onslaught. Of this Ockham he is so vain, the point of to say that if the people did not perceive itself of the necessity to choose a head, capable to restrain and to punish the evildoers, would be necessary to impose such head to it. If, opposite of this, to observe the data of the experience, will perceive as soon as it is very difficult to find ideal authority or governments, that in the practical one are guided exclusively by the concern of the common good. However, Ockham is declared presumptuous that all the governing that commit abuse of the power all do not lose right to be obeyed, same if, as a matter of principle, the governing that always and only possess in aiming the common good are only truily worthy to exert the control.

Therefore, the thought of Ockham allows to conclude that who legitimately is invested of the power, does not lose it for the fact to abuse the power. This means that the legitimacy of the power is not guaranteed only by the concern of the common good, but still requires a superior justification. Reflecting itself on the fact of that it stops it last justification of the authority, that a man allows to dominate on the others, it is given for the college to attribute governing, college conferred for God to the men for having left to the reason human being judging on the convenience to institute an authority, it seems logical to conclude that, for our author, a power is legitimate when it is wanted by the people.

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