Heavy Equipment Caterpillar, Cummins, John Deere, Komatsu

Friday, 26. July 2019

For the past 80 years, Caterpillar Inc. (Caterpillar, Caterpillar) is developing a global infrastructure, and in collaboration with its global dealer network, is seeking a positive and sustainable results at all continents. Reaching in 2005 revenue by sales volume of $ 36.34 billion, Caterpillar is a leader in technology and the world's leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment. The company Caterpillar Inc. (Caterpillar, Caterpillar) specializes in manufacturing of machinery and power plants for construction, agricultural and other activities. The range of products includes hundreds of pieces of equipment, which is a leader in their field: dump trucks, graders, loaders, excavators, pipe layers, energetichesike system – this is an incomplete list of products Caterpillar. Company Cummins Inc.

(Cummins, Cummins) – the world's leading development and production of diesel engines. History The company started in early last century, the U.S., where in 1919 he founded the firm Cummins inc. Dynamic development and efficiency of economic activity have turned it into a recognized leader in the production of diesel engines from 31 to 3500 hp, and brought up in the first place to produce motors from 50 hp and above. Production activities of Cummins Inc. (Cummins, Cummins) is concentrated in three main areas: diesel engines for trucks and buses, ships, railway transport, agriculture, road construction and other industrial machinery, diesel generator sets, Components for Engines: filters, turbochargers, exhaust systems, etc Company John Deere (Deere) is the world leader in agricultural equipment, the largest manufacturer of construction and forestry equipment, and commercial technology for the care of parks and green areas with an annual turnover of more than $ 20 billion. John Deere (John Deere) produces engines for heavy equipment and financial services and related activities supporting the specialized areas business. Seven units of John Deere (John Deere) ensures the success of the enterprise at the global level: the production of agricultural equipment, manufacture of equipment for construction and forestry production of commercial equipment for the parks and lawns lending spare parts Motors Corporation today John Deere (Deere) is included in the list of the 100 largest industrial companies, published by the magazine 'Fortune', products are sold worldwide.

However, it continues to expand its presence. John Deere factories located in Europe, Asia, North and South America. John Deere sells its products in more than 130 countries. Company Komatsu Ltd (Komatsu Komatsu) was founded in 1921 Meitaro Takeyuchi. Initially the company was a construction workshop. At the moment, Komatsu – the world's leading manufacturer of construction equipment. The main type of activities, brought brand recognition, Komatsu, is the production of construction equipment, machinery for mining, industrial equipment, which by its classification Komatsu attributes and storage loaders, as well as electronics. In addition, the zone of interests of the company fall into construction, real estate and shipping. As part of Komatsu Group includes Komatsu Ltd (Komatsu, Komatsu) and another 187 companies. 145 consolidated subsidiaries, 42 companies comprising the Group under the equity method. Learn more at: E Scott Mead. Together with Komatsu Ltd. Holding there were 188 companies.

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