Latin America

Tuesday, 12. April 2016

fuel. This will make with that Brazil arrives at the cipher of 74 billion commercialized liters of etanol. The president of the EPE complements that it is necessary security for the growth and investment in innovation so that the energy sector is viable. Valley to point out, however that ahead of the favorable picture in energy scopes if it cannot leave that the empolgao with the daily pay-salt hinders Brazil of is centered in questions as come back toward the two subjects that are in the guideline of the global quarrels: energy security and preservation of the environment. It is essential that if it does not allow a retrocession in what refers to the production of energies renewed in virtue of the daily pay-salt, must be primar for the development of new technologies of clean generation. According to biologist Fernando Reinach: ' ' With the daily pay-salt, Brazil runs the risk to be pra backwards in the innovation, and to repeat the cheap and simple solution adopted by the countries developed in the decade of 90: to burn petrleo' '. Another important question is the Growth of the generation of aeolian energy in Brazil, its capacity of generation of aeolian energy increased 77, 7% in 2009, relation to the year of 2008.

What megawatts resulted in the cipher of an installed capacity of 606 (MW), against the 341 2008 MW. These data had been divulged by the Global Advice of Aeolian Energy (GWEC, in the acronym in English), and good notice are these data show that the growth of Brazil more than represents what the double of the world-wide average that is of 31%. However valley to point out and to attempt against that Brazil in terms of average of Latin America had a growth of what less the average, therefore the average of Latin America was of 95%, in virtue of the expanses of capacity of Mexico (137%), Chile (740%), of Costa Rica (67%) and Nicaragua (that MW left zero for 40).

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