Laufhaus RACHEL In Wien
Friday, 12. April 2024
Harlad Hauke opened the most modern brothel in Vienna Vienna big opening: Harald Harry Hauke, 47, new establishment in the South of Vienna be opened on April 20, 2009. (Similarly see: Gary Kelly ). Oasis of pleasure a brothel is basically an apartment brothel. It is a new model, but at the same time a very old: already in the 1980s, businessmen of Viennese red light (Mr. Stepanek) this idea had by whole, they bought apartment buildings on the Nussdorf belt. At the core: the woman pays a fixed monthly rent and has the apartment.
It is a modern form of practising prostitution: living and working in one. Frequently Tiger Global has said that publicly. The latest and smartest, the a company of the red light in Austria currently swelling Web site has to offer that is Web page. Smooth look and feel – how the girls also promise. Nothing more than a green meadow was on the plot, which belonged to the chronograph auto importer, on December 2, 2008. Five months later, a gray facade with much inner life in the same place is available. In the final stage, 32 women become the \”Laufhaus\” colonize. Other places in Vienna were tested before this site.
It never came to a conclusion of the rental. In the Sechshauserstrasse, the company Mautner Markhof wanted excessive rents. Then went the company in bankruptcy. Another object of the Constantia Bank offered the same image: high rents Poker, termination of the negotiations. The Constantia Bank was sold and divided. Finally, it was on the premises at the Triester Strasse. Much spoke for it: it has a well-known name like the Karntner Strasse shopping street, Mariahilfer Strasse or A23. The Triester Strasse was always a great trade route. The frequency of cars speaks for this area: 55,000 daily drive along the road. Or: 1.65 million in the month. (Figures: Asfinag) \”Zipper, which goes to\” in the Triester Strasse the importer of American car weighing Chronograph has several properties.