National Plan

Wednesday, 23. March 2016

(Wedge, She is necessary to speak inside now in articulated education of a national system of education. The voice of the 3,889 lecturers was changedded into 677 emendations to be to be reference in the elaboration of the new PNE 2011 /2020 inside of a National System of Education that according to participant the absence of a SNE configures the fragmented and disarticulated form of the effective educational project in the country. To breach practical politics with the functioning of the Brazilian education as is given, that is, capitalist relations of state, gerencialistas characteristics, state bourgeois, and others are in fact, challenge to that considers such rupture, considering themselves that for this, one politics is necessary that has left legal documents and gains consistency in the implementation. It is clearly, in thesis, the ways most favorable to an education with continuous and articulated quality. For example, when understanding that an education is not developed without financing such alternative in terms is placed as CAQ Aluno/a-Quality Cost. in fact, the values established in law, the logic of the speech, go to the meeting of the relation value pupil/year and the parity education/quality, however the speech of the increase of the value is, doubtless, what it is not assured, mainly in public education is the concretion of the value/quality. Currently, with the FUNDEB, the national average of the value pupil/year quality is of R$ 1.415.97 2010 placing in quarrel investment x, not overshadowing the growth of such value in relation to the previous years. Ahead of this reality, a special look to the new PNE is necessary National Plan of Education to be implanted from 2011, in view of the necessity of sustainable politics of education. Axle II – Quality of the Education, Democratic Management and Given Evaluation the Brazilian, situated educational reality in contradictory spaces as for financing x results, we detach the approach given for the document of the CONAE, social quality and democratization of the management.

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