National Security

Saturday, 9. April 2016

So that let us have conditions to understand the structure and the proposal of this work, we need to leave of the premise that never we will have conditions satisfactorily to understand an event or a grouping of events while not to dedicate some effort to visualize the chain of circumstances that made possible the assembly of arcabouo structural of the period in question. CHAPTER 1: The HISTORICAL CONTEXT THAT TOOK TO the EVENTS OF DAYS 31 OF MARCH and 1 OF APRIL OF 1964 Without a boarding concernente to the construction of the Doctrine of National Security, the understanding regarding the proper subject of this work, or the period considered for this analysis would be seriously engaged. The Doctrine of National Security is imbricada, overlapped to gnese of the proper blow of 1964. Certainly the taking of being able for military the nothing more was of what the revelation, practical and the execution of a structure preplaced to the events of that year. Which was the central reason that took the Brazilian Armed Forces to articulate a maneuver of such spread? Of excerpts of the Superior School of War and its theoretical greater, General Golbery of the Couto and Silva expect to solve the two questions above raised.

Some aspects of the government of Goulart Joo will be investigated, that will assist to clarify some questions of the preparation of the historical moment of the blow. The consideraes if initiate with resignation of Janio Pictures, in August of 1961, fact that unchained a reaction of circumstances until the efetivao of the former-vice-president in the official position to the front of its country. In its proposal of government, launched in middle of 1963, Jango it offers a package of measures called Triennial Plan, whose content caused much controversy, desestabilizando its government. They were the calls Reforms of Base, which, when being launched they had marked the beginning of the chain of basic events that had evolved it military blow.

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