New Worldwide Economic Order

Sunday, 1. September 2019

Graph of the fall of the stock market in 1929A new world-wide economic order and the consequences of the crisis! The American election will choose Obama or McCain, does not matter, the next president will be part key in the recovery and the new world-wide economic order, already reinante. The resilience of the American economy will give tests one more time, also is said for back in new ' ' New Deal' ' that president Roosevelt applied the ideas of Jonh Maynardes together with Keynes writing a new chapter in the economic theory. Now he will not be different. We are seeing all speaking in the end of the capitalism, in worse depression of what the 1929 crisis, in new world-wide conference in the molds of Bretton Woods and other things more, the media is uneasy, the stock exchange present volatileness insane, the market not yet is accomodated, the confidence completely is not reestablished. But for me we are not all lost ones, after all, does not advance to lose serenity. We go to some facts: 1-) A new order exists economic world-wide, the Internet, the speed and intangibilidade are premises (already said here).

We cannot compare the current crisis of 1929. The law of Say applied in 29 moved very with the financial leverage. It had production excess, but the consumption 0 variable were others, the world were completely different of the current one. Today it is known with precision that the depression that if followed the fall of the 1929 stock market could have been prevented for action of the American government, only for register the fall of Wal Street in 29 of October of 1929, day of the collapse was of 12%, in 19 of October of 1987 Wall street fell 22% with the problem of ' ' Savings & Loans' ' in 17 of September of 2001, after attempted against to the Wall street World Trade Center fell 14.3%.

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