Organizational Psychology
Monday, 17. September 2012
Many times the Relations Human beings in the work environment become so conflicting that the ethical and professional development is wronged. The main conclusion of this work is that a strategical plan directed toward the management of people in the majority of the companies does not exist, and this has generated desmotivao and apathy between the employees, where in the final consideraes some suggestions for solution of the joined problems are presented. WORDS KEYS: Organizacional psychology, Motivation, Behavior. INTRODUCTION For being to deal with a subject of great quarrels in enterprise meetings, the behavior and motivation finishes in such a way being element of great importance for the companies how much for its employees.
In this way, company and employee possess different motivations, however with an objective in common, the success of the company. She is In this context that the present article was elaborated, having as conceptual base the motivation and the behavior of the employee in the work environment and to evidence which implications of these relations in the performance of the production. History of Organizacional Psychology Before being part of subjects of study in Psychology, questions as mind, soul, spirit, was privileges of the Philosophers and the Religious ones. In the end of century XIX it only is that Psychology starts to dispute a space in Science. As for the work relation, the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution had been determinative to understand Organizacional Psychology that we know today. It is in this turbulent period that starts the desestruturao of the feudal system and appear independent workers who created its works with its tools.