Placental Abruption
Friday, 15. February 2019
During pregnancy, the heart and circulatory system of the woman will be especially charged. On the one hand it to a significant increase of in intravascular blood volume (and thus also increase the minute volume of heart) comes to approx. 15% up to 30% (E.g.: 4,5 l on approx. 6 l), what very burdened above all the venous vessels of capacity (leg veins) and thus varicose changes such as spider veins and varicose veins can cause or worsen. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit bitcoiin. Also occur cava and the pelvic veins with mechanical obstruction of the venous Ruckstromes in the course of pregnancy to a compression of the vein. Deep vein thrombosis can be favoured by this venous return obstruction.
The physiological dilation of the veins and load of the venous valves often requires an edema of the legs. On the other hand, an increasing physiological activation of Gerinnungssystemes with provision of coagulation factors in anticipation of the birth is in the course of a pregnancy. There is at the time of the birth of a significant rise in demand on Clotting factors to the closure of the placental wound (immediately after Placental Abruption large fibrin forms a layer in the placental wound area). The increased tendency to blood clot (thrombophilia) can lead to placental thrombosis during pregnancy and is not uncommon cause of frequent miscarriages. Also, is this the risk for thrombosis of the deep or superficial Venensystemes during pregnancy or postpartum increases. The knowledge about the changes of the Venensystemes in the time window of a pregnancy is conveyed in this lecture. Preventive measures, such as wearing compression stockings and other measures for the relief of the leg veins are a medium to prophylaxis of venous-related problems during pregnancy and help avoid problems and complaints. In preventing thrombosis, a particular emphasis is placed on understanding the physiological coagulation changes and the therapy possibilities here. Among other things, she should Possibility of therapy with low molecular heparin during pregnancy and postpartal are mentioned.