Rapunzel Group

Sunday, 20. October 2019

You are valid mine ours lady still well that the conjuncts had given to certain the water of smell made effect. See Gary Kelly for more details and insights. Written activity, debate, quarrel are the metodolgicas strategies that always I use to explain and to materialize the content. Hours if had passed and there I go I stop another group. I do not go to say that it is a sky, because nobody is saint and nor I, but is a group good to work. My perpetual pupils of 6 year. I do not enter well in the door, already meeting the small thumb of the group, the Silvinho.

This boy is ' ' arrested that s' '. It is the prominence of the room in the joy aspects, trick, smile and much more. In this room I cannot seat, I have that to watch with the eyes of tandera. Story up to the three second and pupils in a magician pass seats. It is not a Military Regimen, but it has moments that it is necessary. It is this there, I control to see exactly. It has to respect that, but always I give me a mood touch.

When it was initiating my lesson, it enters the Pedagogical Coordinator Macabia, or better, Gisele Bunchein, because all the day parades in the patio of the school with clothes HIGHLY made of France and Italy and another thing that went forgetting: Its beautiful smooth and drained hair as the mass of lasanha after to leave the hot water and without in the style of counting of its pretty beios Angelina Jolie. To complete the looks, it arrives Mrs. Tekita with its rare eyeglasses, the non-separable sandpaper of nail, its long beautiful always imported stock market as and its hair of Rapunzel. It never repeats clothes, it comes combining everything, the jump of the shoe is as of Brazil to Chile.

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