Recreation And Health
Tuesday, 26. April 2016
Physical activity is defined as any corporal movement produced by the esqueltica musculatura (therefore voluntary), that it results in an energy expense above of the rest levels. This behavior includes the activities, activities of the daily life and activities of leisure occupational (NAHAS, 1999 apud FRANK, s/d). BARBOSA (2004 apud FRANK, s/d) defines physical activity as any movement of the body. Already CASPERSEN (1989) cited by TAKEDA (1995 apud FRANK s/d) defines physical activity as ‘ ‘ any corporal movement produced by the esquelticos muscles that if they express in great expense of energia’ ‘. That is, the physical activity possesss different approaches and presents different models of explanation for its analysis, however, a consensus exists and can say that physical activity is any corporal movement that results in energy expense. 1,3 RECREATION AND TRICK As CAVALLARI and ZACARIAS (2003) the recreation is ‘ ‘ the fact, or the moment, or the circumstance that the individual chooses spontaneously and deliberately, through which it satisfies (sacia) its yearnings directed to its lazer’ ‘. Read more here: Southwest Airlines. Already PIMENTEL (2004 apud FRANK s/d) says that it is a playful form to recoup the forces for the work. Social movement directed to teach convenient considered playful activities to the population; a species of guardianship of the leisure.
Active leisure chosen freely. Activity of leisure lead for an entertainer. Trick, for PIMENTEL (2004 apud FRANK s/d) means the playful one in action. for AWAD (2004 apud FRANK s/d) tricks are playful activities that take its practitioners to the entertainment. Already for LARIZZATTI (2004 apud FRANK s/d) trick is some form of typical amusement of infancy, that is, one natural activity of the child, who does not imply in commitment, planning or seriousness and that she involves spontaneous and generating behaviors of pleasure. 2. CAUSES AND FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE FOR the INFANTILE OBESIDADE Exist diverse causes and factors that can contribute for the infantile obesidade, between them the genetic influence, psychological factors, the intrauterine malnutrition, one badly alimentary accompaniment during infancy, hormonais disfunes, physical inactivity and me the feeding.