Rune – Magic Runic Characters

Friday, 4. October 2019

History and use of the old Germanic character. They are old and full of magic. They were formerly known as font characters used. They served as a communication tool between people and gods. Ripple spoke with conviction. And often they were used also to look to the future and to give the master a good advice. History of runes when exactly the Runic characters are created, you can not so easily set. It might be but good that began the process of its creation before Christ. However, it is more likely that the character came sometime between the second and fourth century of C.e..

The runes are the characters of the Germanic tribes. They lived in the North of Europe. The language and the alphabet were their biggest cultural togetherness. Geographically, the runes in most of Northern Europe and in much of Central Europe have spread. Can be seen that on many Rune stones, repeatedly discovered between Britain and the Baltic States, between Scandinavia and Germany.

This menhir-like monuments are extensive Inscriptions to find. They are a real treasure for linguist. The culture of the Rune was pushed back by the Christianization of Europe. Increasingly used the Latin alphabet instead of the Germanic character. Mainly in Scandinavia the runes were after the end of the middle ages continue to font, although their importance there took off. The increasing individualization of religion, always more interested in the esoteric came up in the last centuries of the second millennium. In the spotlight of this alternative faiths were also repeatedly called pagan customs, which were mainly located in the ancient world. Particularly popular were the ancient Egyptian faith, the ancient Greek and Roman Gottersagen and also runes. Unfortunately the Rune symbols were used as later Empire in the third, which they received a negative connotation. But now you should consider releasing every authoritarian ideology. Nowadays, runes mainly as jewelry are esoteric meaning and to the Diwali used be. Esoteric use thereby of the older Futhark. This Rune series consists of 24 characters, while the esoteric hardly used younger Futhark has only 16 characters. The characters represent a magical worldview. You are understood as energy or spiritual processes. For the fortune-telling, you wear them on stones, twigs, or planks. Fortune tellers use it to interpret past, present and future. This is done through the creation or the throwing of runes. In the latter case the method and way in which they fall is taken into account. Just this Rune is interpreted rather positively, while a horizontal is more negatively interpreted. In addition to the future interpretation the characters can also or to achieve a different magical effect as use protective symbols. This can be the proliferation of income or E.g. winning a coveted people. Esoteric trade fairs and in special shops or online stores a wide range of amulets, rings and other runes jewelry offered interested. And sometimes will even reported that the jewelry pieces actually work a kind of magic. William Schmidt

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