Creole Protection

Sunday, 10. April 2016

For the value that is attributed to them, while cultural manifestations and while nation symbols, these goods start to be deserving of protection, aiming at its transmission for future generations. 10 the guardianship of the Creole drum this conferred in the constitution, article 215. 215 ART. the state will guarantee to all the full cultural right of action and access the sources of national culture, and will support the valuation and the diffusion of the cultural manifestations. 11 Consequently Marchesan places that, article 216 of the federal constitution of 1988 conferred to the cultural patrimony the treatment that it was due, assuring including legal protection of individually taken goods of material and incorporeal nature, or in set, carriers of reference the identity, the action, the memory of the different groups formadores of Brazilian society. 12 It also has incentive beyond the protection, therefore the executive must give impulse for the cultural movements, thus Ramassote places that: In the relation with the groups of popular culture, in general, and with the drum of Creole, in particular the responsible agencies of the municipal and state executive in stimulating and supporting these groups it has invested in physical, administrative and financial structures as the construction of ' ' viva' ' , that the responsible state institutions for &#039 had started to compose the official circuit of parties …; ' salvaguardar' ' , ' ' cuidar' ' e, in some cases ' ' recriar' ' the maranhense popular culture having divulged the traditions, cults, parties and other forms of expression from the administration of resources … these of the official agencies and many times, submitting itself it agents politicians as councilmen, members of the house of representatives and senators with some influences next to the managers of the local culture. 13 ' ' viva' ' , previously mentioned, it says respect to the plan to revive and to give preservation, therefore it together with searchs the state, that in that place occurs the manifestations of the drum, guaranteeing that this still does not come to be left the grace of the esquecimento and searching a form of protection for the reinforcement of the tradition without change of details in the form or skill of if revealing.

Chronic Veterinary Medicine

Tuesday, 22. March 2016

ADMINISTRATION AND MEDICINE VETERINARY MEDICINE Brazil if avizinha of next the 30 years to assume a role of prominence in some scenes, that will start to demand of integrated form action interdisciplinares, that they will complement themselves. Sabidamente that our I.E.S are governmental or particular they, leaves to desire in relation to the adequacy of its Curricular Gratings in relation the current realities and necessities of the nation. At the same time where its pictures of professors? masters and doctors and some with after-doutorados a time installed in its rooms and or cabinets, if accomodate before the excuse that education is defective, that the institution does not invest in the improvement of the education, that it does not make possible and nor sponsors ways of improvement it education standard. Conclusion. We are pouring in the tree-lined avenues of the life, professionals who exactly graduated with escol and have detached, do not know the reality Brazilian. In special the reality of the Brazilian agronegcio.

This will be the great car-head of next the 19 years. Other sectors they will go to develop itself for a survival question and because the society was of them dependent. The electronic traquitana is not imagined an urban human being if all. Difficult to imagine a crisis of abstinence of cellular, of Ipod, notebook and others as much. The generation that was born before the Internet already is total dependent of the T.I and the current generation was abduzida. Brazil will have to be the great supplier not of Internet, but of foods. We do not have more viable agricultveis land supplies. The Europe tried in passed years, to recoup 27 million hectares so that it had an increase of food production and concluded that workmanship hand does not exist to promote this type of politics and that the costs would be enormous, I subsidize as well as it necessary to keep the current existing systems and more the futures, would not be viable.