Grants Distribution

Tuesday, 4. July 2017

Today 13 of the currents, the Ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the Junta de Andalucia, published resolution that calls for 2011 grants in support of the improvement and innovation of the distribution of organic products laid down in the order cited. To display the full resolution, visit the web indicated at the foot of the article in its regional/Andalusia order of March 8, 2008, of the Ministry of agriculture and fisheries, modified by order of July 15, 2009, establishes the regulatory bases to support the improvement and innovation of the distribution of organic products. Cited order on March 8, 2008, modified by order of July 15, 2009, in its article 13(1) empowers the person in charge of the General direction of organic farming, carried out by resolution the annual announcement of subsidies regulated therein, to be published in the official bulletin of the Junta de Andalucia. Therefore, whereas opportune to proceed to the call for these grants for 2011 and in exercise of the powers conferred by the order on March 8, 2008, modified by order of July 15, 2009, by the Decree 172/2009, of 19 may, which regulates the organic structure of the Ministry of agriculture and fisheries, and by the order of June 3, 2009, by adapting the delegation of competence made for the award of grants in the management centres of the Ministry of agriculture and fisheries, R S U L V O first. Call. Summon for the year 2011, in competitive concurrence scheme, the aid provided for in the order of March 8, 2008, modified by order of July 15, 2009, establishing the regulatory bases to support the improvement and innovation of the distribution of organic products. Second. Deadline for submission of applications.

The deadline for submission of applications shall be two months, counted from the day following the publication of this resolution in the official bulletin of the Junta de Andalucia. Third party. Applications and use of telematic media. 1. Requests addressed to the person in charge of the General Secretariat of the Rural Environment and ecological production, shall be submitted in accordance with the model laid down in annex I and annex II of information general of the order of 8 March 2008 modified by order of July 15, 2009, which is published together with the present resolution. 2. In accordance with the provisions of article 3 of the regulation of procedures for subsidization of the administration of the Junta de Andalucia, approved by the Decree 282/2010, of May 4, requests may be submitted using electronic means as provided for in article 13.5 8 of 2008 European order. In addition, the status of proceedings and of granting of such aid may be consulted by interested persons, previous identification, through the website of the agriculture and Fisheries Department, at the address, in which include the acts of procedure performed, your content and date in it were dictated.