Monday, 4. August 2014
Here, already, as they say, that fantasy will suffice. The more so for a good dose of adrenaline players are ready for any tests. Read first job and you think: I could not, and then – bam! – And could, complied. For example, such a task: to put in an ordinary passenger car ten (Usually in a single machine move four players that is missing must be found – right here and now, on the street, because it affects travel time job) and then release all ten through one single door those agents. Or this: find a place for a country rock concert, including music and alcohol heated fans, a man wrapped in a flag 'Autoradio'….
If done correctly – the coveted code is yours, and if no – definitely can get to the head. But this game is full of risk, and therefore interesting. Among other things, ENCOUNTER – is not only fun, but also psychological training at the same time. "This greatly changes people. I've been playing for several years, and it is very influenced by me. I left a lot of unnecessary habits, overcome many of the complexes and gained awareness "- shared a player with experience.
And it's not just words. There is such a well-known psychological technique aimed at freedom from fear: cause a person to do something he would not do under any circumstances. ENCOUNTER – a clash with itself. Events in the game is developing very fast time to think and rationalize almost no jobs are the most incredible. But there's your team – the people whom you have an internal promise not to disgrace. Either you throw your personal luggage, or he pulls you, does not act decisively and quickly, which means that the team loses. This kind of natural selection, but more humane than Darwin, you're not dying. Dying your internal problems. In all respects, this new hobby (or even a form of active recreation) far better than drinking beer in the dubious company, or simply lie on the couch, switching TV channels. After ENCOUNTER – this is such a game in which you may be all that in reality does not exist. Such a life – an alternative to the everyday, with its unavoidable restrictions and weight daily worries. It is this property ENCOUNTER will involve hundreds of different people. Take part in a game anyone can. It needs to assemble a team and register it on the site ENCOUNTER, which usually has a community of players in each city, where the practice of this game. Recommendations for each game Fight teams get separated, but there is a minimum required just to participate: a computer with Internet access, car, 4 players + coordinator, a flashlight (preferably each team member). To participate in fotoigrah generally quite a crew of two and a good camera.