The Creature
Saturday, 21. May 2016
Some shot rocks in the house during the day, as protest form. I smell it of rotten, probably of some animal dead that was there, impregnated the nostrils to it. It felt necessity of cuspir, as reaction for the fedentina. Its excrement! said it giving an axe blow in the wall. said it giving another blow, of this time in one of the windows, that already almost that were completely broken.
Another time raised the axe, but it took one strong collision in the coasts, knocking down it the soil. The tool also fell and slid for the ground going to stop in one sings of the room. It was arisen with pain effort, moaning and looked at stops backwards. There he was a man, with a shirt and pants social, equally surradas and spotted of blood. Volveu the eyes in the direction of the face of the man. It was covered of a cloth bag, spotted of blood, in a color similar to splodges of coffee.
It was torn in some parts and it left to the sample some worms that devoravam the face of the monster. Not! cried out Samuel crawling itself it the soil. A little was moved away, but it took another blow. It was propped up in the wall and it looked in the direction of the axe, it was not more there. She ran in the direction of the exit, but the creature appeared in front of the door with the axe in the hands. Vine walking slowly in its direction, as one I buzzed. said Samuel, without effectiveness. Cmodo ran for another one, but the man, exactly walking the short steps reached it. It gave a blow to it of axe in one of the legs, not pulling out it the member, but leaving this esfacelado, and its blood spurted as a pipe d water. The man cried out and moaned, but the creature did not import itself. In the truth, she seemed not to have no species of feeling. But sanguinrios instincts. The blood and the shouts of Samuel seemed to torpify to it. It had headquarters and it went to saciar itself with the canine tooth that had fallen in its teia. Not! It stops with this! said it if dragging, but it pulled it to Jonas for other per it. Samuel was looking at it per some instants been silent and gasping. Please! Not direction of the blackout. Samuel more did not cry out, as the others that had been found in this house and the side of the streams. If he was alive would have learned a lesson. If he does not have to play with deceased