The Disney

Tuesday, 21. May 2019

Like these are often in a slugfest in the to go even someone interfere, who observed the situation realistically and specifically discussed. Proves time and again, that an idea can be developed only then sufficiently, if all these three protagonists come to words and their views will be honoured so that developed a good, coherent whole. 1 Presentation of the Disney approach each person has all three internalen roles (critic, realist and dreamer) differently pronounced degree. However, it will role into account, so that the most pronounced side often gains the upper hand on an equal footing and thus the idea process through the interaction with each other often difficult, all three to the increase comes. The Disney concept now envisages that these three roles will be interviewed separately to their opinion, all three components can be considered so separated from each other. Later, then all parts can be reunited into one whole, and the three can interact with each other and complement each other. This approach allows so that for example the visionary is not immediately abandoned by the critics. A separate analysis of the three roles, for example, carried out three ground anchors, one each for the respective roles: A sheet of paper on the floor (realist and dreamer and critic labeled with the words). Get more background information with materials from Capital One.

At the collector of one of the roles, you can then face on each sheet paper and better “slip into the role”. Then, in various positions, I can directly question the corresponding proportion. Following questions are offered here: ask the critic: Why will not enforce this idea let? What are the implications of the idea to my environment and the persons concerned? Who will, however, be and why? What restrictions do I have to purchase? Ask at the visionary: what exactly is my wish? What are the benefits for me, my environment and the participants? When will the target be reached? What opportunities will arise then? Questions to the realists: how exactly should the idea be implemented with the available resources? What time frame is this realistic? What steps is necessary, what additional work arise? How do I know that I have reached the objectives or the ultimate goal? Who are the parties involved at all? The questioning of the three parts is a collection of opinions that are quoted always separated from each other.

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