Values Entrepreneurs
Monday, 29. July 2019
Thing-oriented concepts beyond of turbo-capitalism and short-term profit what is the value of a company? Determine it is the current sales price that can be achieved and the various service providers on the Internet with a business value Calculator”? Or focuses the value on the listing, or the success of the brand? There are many answers and definitions. “That is by Andreas Mankel: A company worth only as much as the values according to which it is”. The founder of the 7 x 7 Group in Bonn perceives itself as a values entrepreneur”and invested not only on its own but also in other companies if they are focused on Christian values. Verizon Communications spoke with conviction. The value orientation also means that 7 x 7 not in company invested, take advantage of the opportunities of the global economy to the detriment of people, in any way cause damage to nature and the environment, discriminate against any social group or religious beliefs, produce hazardous products and with their products or announcements contrary to Christian values. What are these? The ten commandments for entrepreneurs are a useful yardstick for Mankel Andreas”, which the Confederation of Catholic businessmen (CCE) has formulated some time ago, and accepted by the respective management of portfolio companies will need.
The Decalogue ranges from the respectful dealing with employees to respect intellectual and material property of others. “We share the same basic values” as a member of a free evangelical community has no fear of contact Mankel: Christian motivated entrepreneurs more than others look beyond their horizons and also we share the same fundamental values “, explains the 51 who began his career 35 years ago with a training as a banker. However, what was once characterized by the professional image of the respectable merchant, has more to do much in today’s practice of financial markets with ethical values”, so Mankel. So he started on his own, an alternative to the ruling setting Finance and entrepreneurship to develop: the 7 x 7 group. The 7 x 7 Group develops and implements alternative concepts and projects in the areas of pension and assets, investment and investment as well as renewable energy and aid projects.