World Health Organization

Friday, 5. September 2014

But somehow to be with our facilities, which are permanently closed? We all noticed that in any room, even in our apartments has its own well-established smell, from which it is impossible to get rid of. No ventilation and cooling systems can not cope with it, and it would seem that out of This situation does not exist. Even in 1997 the World Health Organization declared that the air in modern premises 4-6 times dirtier and 8-10 times more toxic than outdoor. We use for linoleum, plastic, carpet, paint, cleaning funds, etc. fill the air with toxic vapors, to a very high concentration. Of our carpets, from the ever rising dust as soon as we walk on them, (we all see in sunlight as it flies). From our pets (cats, dogs, hamsters, rats, etc.) that leave odors, and wool, and with it more, and many pathogens.

150 sq. km. meters of space per year, producing 20 kg. dust, which is home to About 15 species of dust mites. 90% of colds and infectious diseases are acquired through the air indoors. A resident of a civilized city, spends in the room of about 90% of their time, spending a great amount of energy the body to fight with all this … are looking for a business that would be demanded in the market, I settled on the issue number 1 indoor air. Bought another machine for testing, not much believe in what has been stated by the manufacturer (removes smoke from the air, bacteria, mold, fungi, dust mites, allergens, chemical fumes, pollen, odors, dust, static electricity), and still makes life easier for asthmatics and allergies (there are examples).

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