Tuesday, 28. August 2012
The reconfiguration of our existencial territory, continuously, if remakes in the speed of the new events That is, it always has a new sobrecodificao on our vital process (that it holds our psychic life). Ahead of as many experiences, inassimilveis, produced for the vertiginous process of modeling of the world, the body, this ‘ ‘ anatomy emocional’ ‘ — constructed for the selective processes of the biological evolution, it breaches its homoestasia, producing SYMPTOMS that are the bio-symbolic metaphor of the organism, ‘ ‘ in crise’ ‘. It occurs, therefore, a reduction in the bio-psychic-somatic capacity to generate new images of itself, organizers of new actions, and new linkings We do not obtain more, to support our territories existenciais, and lose. It has a blockade in the continuity in following confirming our original, formative essence Adoecemos. The concern of the body, is not only to survive, but, to survive through a relation ‘ ‘ I obtain mesmo’ ‘ , organizing the experience in somatic forms and behaviors, assimilating the events that in them arrive of instances ‘ ‘ daily pay-pessoais’ ‘ — our genetic and constitutional inheritance — of instances after-staffs — the figures of the subjectivity, available in the Social one. The body organizes a psiconeuromotor personal substratum of multiple languages the one that we call citizen or pessoalidade The body, compulsively, organizes it exactly itself, and this alive process has a total investment in continuing to perseverar in its Being The body speaks for sensations, feelings and thoughts, therefore; it communicates itself obtains exactly so that he can influence in its behavior This dialogue (internal) is always on what making regarding my immediate situation (from its proper interiorizados contents). This mediation if makes, through one sophisticated neural system of feedback that we call Brain! The way of production of our corporal image, also, is intrinsic to our neural cartography (excitatria, inibitria and motor experience lived) what it allows to form diversity Ahead of as many formularizations, collections, threats and devir Irreversible Ours ‘ ‘ mechanisms of defesa’ ‘ they are exacerbados and they enter in collapse! Of this state of things, stress happens The cronificao of these sensrio-affective states generates psychic psicossomatizaes and, obviously, riots as by-products. They occur, also, auto-immune illnesses and decurrent organic patologias of the metabolic surplus The crystallization of these (psico) patologias modifies the neuroqumico balance, maximizing the psychic conflicts and amplifying the SYMPTOMS. Reinaldo Mller.