Economical Light Source

Wednesday, 11. March 2015

Recently, various publications are increasingly found a mysterious abbreviation EEFL, which bind to bright prospects for illuminated advertising. Let's try to figure out what constitutes a technology EEFL. EEFL is an abbreviation of the English name of lamps External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp, which means' fluorescent lamp with external electrodes. " This underlines the fundamental difference between the lamps EEFL from all previous types of fluorescent lamps, which are used exclusively internal electrodes. The operating principle of fluorescent lamps EEFL based on the emission of light by exciting a plasma, which is located inside the tube lamp, the electric field.

This field formed between the external electrodes, which is not warmed up. EEFL is a new and promising direction in the development of production technology of fluorescent lamps, and their life is about 3 times higher than the term Service of any other fluorescent lamps. The diameter of the tube lamp EEFL is 5 mm or 8 mm (for use in advertising). These compact dimensions allow the use of these lamps in any, even the most confined spaces, such as a narrow room with subway stations and other public places. EEFL lamp can be used inside structures, whose thickness does not exceed 45 mm, differing with the ease of installation. One of the main advantages EEFL lamps is their high cost. Compared with other light sources, these lamps consume approximately 30-60 watts of electricity by 10 units, representing approximately 60% of electricity consumption in other lamps.

In this lamp EEFL exceptionally long life: a term of more than 50,000 hours, which is 5 times longer service life of a fluorescent lamp and 3 times longer service life of any other fluorescent lamps. In all of this during its operation EEFL lamps require virtually no maintenance. When working headlight housing it does not heat up. This is, firstly, fireproof, and secondly, does not lead to deformation of the material to highlight that it used in advertising designs (photographs, film, paper, etc.). Advertising images created by using lamps EEFL, are very bright and colorful, and immediately attracted attention. This has increased the popularity advertising media with lamps EEFL during the various presentations and advertising campaigns, including PR-actions, greatly increasing their effectiveness. Using lamps EEFL is completely safe, because the lamp is protected from high voltage shock effects, abuse, or fire. They are safe in terms of possible electric shock, do not have a negative effect on the eyes man. In addition, the lamp EEFL safe for the environment. All the above advantages lamps EEFL led to wide application in various fields, among which are: interior design room public use (retail space, catering) apartment interior design, advertising promotions of goods and services, lighting of road signs and signs on the roads, in medicine (Backlight screen for viewing images) lights in elevators, in the manufacture of LCD-displays and various types of measuring and test equipment, with lighted structures of large area for different purposes.

Economic Commentary

Tuesday, 10. March 2015

I found this interesting article about the education superior in Colombia, that was written by Mr. Sergio Clavijo, and who I allow myself to reproduce by this means. During 2002-2009, the gross cover was increased from 24,2% to the 35,5%, implying an expansion of the registered ones of a 57% (570,000 new students), to see Economic Commentary of Day 23 of August of 2010. Nevertheless, when doing international comparisons we see that still enough we are left behind in Colombia, because until the moment we showed ourselves to the average of cover of Latin America (35%), but are far from the observed ones in Uruguay (64,3%) or Chile (52%). Colombia also appears straggler in the levels of specialization. According to the Ministry of Educacin Nacional (MEN), only 3% of the students belong at the level of specialization and 1% to the one of masters.

The doctorates have very small participation of the 0,1%. Indeed, while in Chile and Brazil the professionals with doctoral studies are of 15 and 50 doctors by each million inhabitants, respectively, in Colombia we only arrived at 2 (to see Economic Commentary of Day 16 of June of 2009). The Network of Indicators of Science and Latin American and Inter-American Technology (RICYT) reported that the number of graduated at doctoral level in Colombia was only of 98 professionals, number reduced against those of Chile (395) and Argentina (746). Of there the importance of improving the human capital with access to studies in the outside, where Colciencias, Icetex, DNP, Bank of the Republic and Colfuturo have come playing a central role. It is possible to emphasize, especially, the effort of the own Colombian private sector through Colfuturo, organization that has known to operate synergies with the government and the multilateral ones. According to its more recent report, Colfuturo (2010) has managed to benefit 4,100 professionals, of who 801 has inclined by doctoral studies.