
Tuesday, 13. August 2013

The community needs to official information on the actions taken forward to give coverage to the needs of victims, and for the restoration of the usual operation interrupted by the incident. Timely, truthful, and official information reduces uncertainty and the circulation of rumors. THE media the media, should be familiar with the handling of the emergency, so that the information disseminated is not sensationalist or cause confusion. When official faltainformacion or information is insufficient are often triggered reactions of mistrust in institutions, and consequently greater circulation of rumors, that hinder the recovery of the community. It is necessary for the institutions involved to develop strategic alliances with the media of social communication, in order to convert them into allies, and make them part of the solution and not the problem enabler.

In turn, the media should be aware of existing planning (as far as possible participate in its preparation), as well as participate in the transmission of preparation programs, awareness campaigns, achievement of accomplishments, etc. In the context in which transmit and broadcast news, the media should bear in mind: respect the privacy of the victims direct, wounded and family; respect and consider the right to privacy in death and the pain of others (to avoid unnecessary display of images); respect the feelings of the people in the processes of grief for the loss of loved ones. Suggestions with respect to messages spread positive messages that indicate the victims that they are not alone and demonstrated the social fabric, the network that exists to hold the consequences. Focus on the importance of addressing the situation, preserve lives, act with solidarity and move towards rehabilitation and reconstruction. Broadcast addresses and phone numbers on the places to go for help.

Direct shipment of donations and discourage indiscriminate shipment by clarifying that shall be the acting authority who is responsible for the definition of needs (taking into account the real needs of those affected). Keep informed the population about the evolution of the situation (State of health of the victims, taken decisions, research) promoting participatory and supportive responses from the community, the public may react unfavorably to information perceived as threatening: risky situations can naturally generate denial, powerlessness and fear. In the mode of transmission of the message must be taken into account These reactions to not generate paralysis and rejection. On the other hand, people tend to be considered passive agents cope with the situation. The media can collaborate on actions of awareness so that citizens acknowledge their resources and possibilities to deal with actions to reduce risks. COMMUNICATION and their relationship with the protection of MENTAL health the contents of information, its form and opportunity, need specialist advice, given that the affected population is very sensitive to the information disseminated. The images tend to provoke feelings of pain, confusion, anxiety, disappointment, fear, insecurity, uncertainty, frustration and impotence. Although the facts should convey in a reliable way, it is necessary that communicators recognize the psychological effects that this kind of news transmission causes in the population, through images, testimonies, stories and reports. Communication on the other hand, can facilitate necessary changes in behaviour to forge a culture of prevention, and not only to inform about the emergency data. A need to is develop programmes to inform and raise awareness of the risks, and know how to act appropriately when the events occur. Contact: original author and source of the article.

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