Wednesday, 25. September 2013

In it analyzes of the management of the logistic costs, you vary particularitities must be analyzed, therefore to reduce the cost of an isolated activity does not result, necessarily, in the reduction of the total cost. Exemplificando: To concentrate products in a COMPACT DISC will reduce costs of inventories and storage, but it will be able to increase the transport costs. In the attainment of the competitive advantage, these factors can be on to the analysis of the total cost, that considers all the factors affected for the effect of a decision taking and focuses the otimizao of the costs of the logistic components. The main objective of the management of costs is to create strategies that reduce costs and provide the efficient integration of the departments of the company, focando competitive prices for the sales of the product. In this direction Guilhoto and Milone (2001) they point out in the market, the company can choose for carrying through its sales directly to the final user or using an intermediary, using to advantage the maximum of chances that the market provides, to enter in new niches of markets, or to transfer responsibilities to the canals, however so that this occurs it is necessary that the company mount a distribution system that takes care of to objectives. The logistic cost, when analyzed in its totality, requires to understand the context inserted, therefore according to ASLOG the logistic cost means of 15 16% of the total cost of the products in Brazil, being able to arrive at 30% in some companies. In developed countries the average is of 9 the 10%. An efficiently analyzed, interpreted and lead time, the management of logistic costs is resulted in the performance, that provides to the organization the competitive differential, directing action for improvement in the results of the following item:? Capacity of reply the demands of the customers? Lead teamses reduced, Better levels of service to the customers.? Product quality and services? Relationship of partnerships with customers and suppliers.? Speed, quality and timing of the innovation in the products? Products and services brought to the market more quickly.? Effectiveness of the production costs and use of the capital? Processes of the simple, effective and efficient chain, to become source of competitive advantage.? Performance profitability in the long run? Reduction of cost I eliminate and greater profit.

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