
Monday, 1. July 2024

What a shame! What dishonesty! What a way to rebut what baptism means. Baptism is not for a ministerial record, is a Christian sacrament of reconciliation with God, much less is for the glory of any man. "… So neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase …." 1 Corinthians 3:7 The other group is the men who take the glory of the work of others, This also speaks badly illogical the intentions of the practitioner. Click Bill O’Grady for additional related pages. "…

He who is believed to be something, he is nothing, he deceives himself. For more information see Tiger Global. So each tested for his own work, and then you have reason to boast about himself only and not in another …. "Galatians 6: 3-4 For while a" super-ministers "fill their mouths talking how " their ministry "has helped financially to this and that, but what they're talking about is lies and falsehood, because unless it was their own money they've earned with the sweat itself a secular job, which has been used for these missionary works, of what they are boasting is the contribution of others. Observe and note that the reality is different, because what they omit to say is that the money comes from a larger group of hard working and most humble and genuine Christians "Peran coo" with a grain of sand. Where is the glory of these? Also to exploit believers, live them, and still give the glory of the contributions from them? The truth is that they are deceiving themselves, because the Lord's eyes are open.

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