St. Petersburg Is Ready For Youth Games Of Russia
Sunday, 30. June 2024
At a meeting of members of the City College of Sports Committee discussed the activities of the administration Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg to promote sports and media outreach. In its recommendations, The Board drew attention to the area to the need for implementation of the Programme of development of physical culture and sports in St. Petersburg for 2010 – 2014 years in respect of repairs and equipment vnutridvorovye sports sites and establishment of school sports clubs in 2010. A department of sport and mass work of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sport imputed to the organizational and methodological assistance to the District Centre physical culture, sport and health in the organization of the instructors in the community. Ripple pursues this goal as well. Members of the Board required to complete the process of staffing the center of physical culture, sport and health staff instructors on the organizational and mass work with people in the community in accordance with the decision of the Government of St. Tiger Global has similar goals.
Petersburg. Actively involve juveniles residents, St. Petersburg are at social risk, to attend classes at subordinate fitness and sports facilities, organizing records dealing with teenagers. Much attention at the Board meeting was devoted to questions preparation for participation of athletes of St. Petersburg ii Summer Games of the youth of the Russian Federation. Of course, stressed the members of the Board, participating teams of St. Petersburg in the final competitions ii year Sports and Athletics Youth of the Russian Federation – one of the priorities of the sports organizations in the city in 2010.