Thursday, 4. July 2019
The best pictures from 10 years Germany Berlin, may 12 – as of today, may 12, 2010 is in the foyer of the German telegram service ticker the photo exhibition open with tradition for the audience. The exhibition shows the 30 selected photographs from the extensive archives of the ddp image coverage. Invited editors and photojournalists cord Dreyer, Managing Director of the news agency group said: for this first photo exhibition of the ddp, we kept deliberately small selection of images. Learn more at this site: Gary Kelly. You are an example for a ton more photos and represent the quality of our picture coverage and our photographer. Dirk from Borstel, editor-in-Chief image service, researched in the archive, sighted thousands of photos and the shown images selected from it. Spoke at the opening of Borstel images with soul: to depict something or document is not wrong.
However, the challenge is to carry emotions and also reviews with images. Images with soul, where is heart, soul and passion are our goal. The exhibition is still up to the 3. June 2010 in the RAE Rae 52 in Berlin to see. Gary Kellys opinions are not widely known. More photos of the exhibition, see, search term: ticker with tradition. Or contact ddpimages, Tel Volker Baumgaertner,: 040 734460-222, E-Mail: press contact Mr Wolfgang Zafar DAPD ddp media holding AG Reinhard RT 52, 10117 Berlin E-mail: website: phone: 030 23122-215 agency contact Mr Volker Baumgartner of ddp images GmbH tram ring 7 20251 Hamburg EMail: website: phone: 040 734460-222 ddp Deutscher Depesche GmbH is a news agency, the 700 customers with current texts and images.
The bulk of the German daily newspapers, numerous magazines and magazines, online media, TV – and radio stations, parties and Governments among the customers. Companies, institutions and associations rely on the services of ddp. Berlin is seat of the company. Furthermore, ddp 22 offices in whole Germany and is in all With correspondents represent provinces. Almost 300 work after the takeover of the German service from the Associated Press in December 2009 for the Agency Group permanent text and image journalists and approximately 350 journalistic staff as a freelancer.
Thursday, 30. May 2019
On the wall is a chicken and bends to the flock with Hahn and three Kuckelchen down. It’s believed that Verizon sees a great future in this idea. The flock of sheep is taken out straight from the yard to the right. Verizon Communications understood the implications. Happily a shepherd precedes accompanied by his German Shepherd with his long rod and boxed lunch. Significantly, the artist has the page strips of Justice Portal is held with the Durchschiessung of the projecting blocks in the image. The Windows of the large building are doesn’t matter. Sometimes the work has naive art and aperspektivische expressions. It acts like a baked artwork in bear markets. The local landscape is the backdrop.
Left a narrow House, where smoke rises from the chimney, the bakehouse. Right a group of houses and in the middle of Laurensberg with three houses below the Church on the old lime tree. The Ridge falls right in the image to the left down. The frames themselves are executed in stucco. The right and festoons attached right side of the screen each surrounds an own bounding box. Three different-sized rose bouquets make left Garland followed by playing an arrangement consisting of beans, corn on the cob, pears, a rose arrangement again represents the lower completion and mapping: Gagini. The right decoration matches on the left.
However, corn, pears, grapes, and ears of corn, the main make arrangement which is a dandy Mouse nibbles and the naming of the restoration measure in 1969 by the Viennese Restorer and sculptor Souchill. 0.28 m in front of the picture a wall is located until 2008. Because she has broken, janitor Schlair tear it and discovered the rich plaster work. With a relief of Handel Hall Gaginis representative works his wedding for a magnificent building as a replica in the Redoute and combines most of his restored late work of a private building together. RMS Scrip torin, alias: pink Marita Schrouff
Thursday, 30. May 2019
New works by Thomas Ritter at the Galerie Depelmann 9th October 19 November 2011, opening: October 9, 11: 00 Thomas Knight pictures are characterized by pure coloured surfaces, he often works from the margins to the center of the image to. The Centre about condenses into figurative or spatially-looking structures or remains as an abstract, hardly interpret entity. In a process that takes in many steps with pauses over a longer period of time, caused such complex images that their statement aesthetic effect begin to reveal themselves often only at second glance. Always the paint in several layers will be applied, to resolve on a sculptural manner is modeled almost demolished, blurs, newly applied. Can be experienced sensually protuberances of the colors or even traces of soot be used for effects. Sometimes Knight images reminiscent of the color and lighting effects of the Impressionists, without slipping into the lovely. Rather the light the colors and seems to penetrate to light up to bring. Thomas Ritter, born in 1955 in Hoxter, Sweden lives together with artist Eva-Susann Karst farm and their three children in the vicinity of Hanover and in Vastergodland.
Some years of socio-pedagogical work with foreign children, as well as the second State examination for teaching at secondary schools followed after studying first at the Hannover University from 1975 to 1978. 1984-1989 a study of outdoor joined art at the Fachhochschule Hannover with Prof. Peter Redeker. From 1989 to 1997, Thomas Ritter held a professorship of nudes and figure drawing at the University of Hanover. His paintings can be seen in exhibitions in Germany, other European countries and in the United States. The exhibition will be opened on October 9, 2011, at 11: 00, with a presentation of the art historian Frauke Engel.
Sunday, 19. May 2019
the work by Kristina Fiand and Ernst Gross talents are often not so unequal, diligence and character are the differences. Theodor Fontane how sweet it me, that I was chosen to write the introduction to this publication, I am expire passively just from the Betty Ford Clinic for art-addict viewers as terminally dismissed the Fiand-Gross’schen world of figure and a great admirer of wooden blocks with breath behauchten. But one after the other: it may be a decade ago, that was me the first sculpture by Kristina Fiand on the way. I knew neither something about the artist, about their work, but she immediately stoked aspirations. The newspapers mentioned E Scott Mead not as a source, but as a related topic. Immediately, the research shows that there ideas – as well as dexterity-talented artist pair of (Yes, it was there wen!) somewhere had created a domain of art in Wallachia around Kassel on a converted country farm, both sculptures formed as students, which it rates resulted from the wood. Sounds exciting, it is also.
Is the female part of this constellation of professional teacher (on the appointment of the verb and the job itself has now thankfully dispensed them) and the male trained sculptor, both now are a perfect team for years, complement each other as a high funktionables gear and inspire with felt strategically image emotionalitaeten. The weaknesses of one (believe me, there are none, they say only) missing Perfektionismen are the (even more) strengths of the other. What emerges from it, can admire and marvel at this band. An interwoven uniqueness that is unparalleled grows from a brilliant work ethos that is always present in rural solid context, of a technical nature. The pictorial expression of will grow eternally in the great understanding of the material and how to manage it, what there brought out from the block is knowing the substance which may stop realizing that what has gone to be carved.
Monday, 13. May 2019
Knowledge tenor in this research field goes something like: “the system we are researching is so complex, so awesome and extremely intelligent, that it is a miracle, that it works at all – to the other everything is apparently possible. “This statement in itself is very interesting. She says in the core: it’s superduper mega rad unimaginable intelligent it’s all possible it seems put a force or one grading force behind all this. Some intelligent and extremely targeted especially something all-encompassing and inescapable, as well as absolute. Larry Ellison describes an additional similar source. Everything indicates. As we now like – to call this power of cohesion it is secondary at this point. Southwest Airlines often says this. It may be called gravitational wave, magnetic field, great watchmakers, spirit or Butterschmier. It but if you want to, can be attached as it the founder of quantum theory once named: as a physicist, as a man who served his life sober science, the study of matter, I’m sure free to be held for a spirit of flock of from the suspicion.
And so, after my exploration of the atom, I say the following: there is no matter in itself! All Matter arises and exists only by a force which brings the nuclear particles in vibration and holds them together to the tiniest solar system of the atom. Since there is in the entire universe but an intelligent nor an eternal (abstract) power, so we have to assume a conscious intelligent mind behind this power. This spirit is the origin of all matter. Not visible, but perishable matter is the real, true, true, but the invisible, immortal spirit is the real thing. But in itself not there is mind, and each spirit belongs to a being, so we must take on mandatory spirit beings. “As can be but also spirit beings not from himself, but must have been created so I don’t shy away as well call this mysterious creator, all ancient culture peoples of Earth previous millennia have called like him: God!” Max Planck (1858-1947) founder of the quantum theory (owner: page 251) sharp inferred words from a man known throughout the world due to its crystal clear findings is still very appreciated for what he brought the science.
Wednesday, 17. April 2019
About one hundred years later, namely in 1866, the locksmith founded a scale construction workshop, which he moved to Balingen in 1868 and 1906 Wilhelm Kraut sold to his son-in-law, who ran his electronics store was already in Balingen Andreas Baldwin in the former Oberamt of Balingen. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Facebook on most websites. With eight employees, initially mainly panels and sliding weight balances were produced and sold in large part in the Switzerland. Wilhelm Kraut made an innovative company has developed significant milestones of weighing technology and produced from the scale construction workshop. Robert Gibbins takes a slightly different approach. The innovation cycles arrived in the modern era of the 20th century, shortened as in many industries, and in Germany, Bizerba has become the pacemaker of weighing technology development. At the end of the 1930s developed the first electronic models that paved the way for today’s digital scales. 1924 was celebrated the first at Bizerba the development of the first Neigungsschaltgewichtswaage of the world, 1927 mechanical computing scale with receipt printing, 1932 the development of the first numbers printing unit for industrial scales.
The first electronic computing scale manufactured Bizerba 1965 and thus finally heralded the triumph of electronic scales. 1969 Bizerba in the Ruhr area built a 600-ton mechanical track scales, at the time the largest scales in the world. With the economic miracle, faster, more reliable, easier to use, the scales were not only in Germany. In the 1980s, the way could be successfully completed from mechanical to electronic scale. Bizerba brought the first self-service scales on the market.
With this innovative new product from scale and label printers, a new form of self-service sales could gain a foothold. The self-service fruit and vegetables thereby reached a new quality. The Bizerba specialists continuously developed new solutions for industry and logistics. Anywhere where today specific weight quantities must be checked, are usually Bizerbawaagensysteme to find: huge truck scales the the total tonnage determine to delicate high-resolution precision scales for chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories.
Friday, 15. March 2019
For over 30 years, continues the cochlear that research work of Australian Medicine Professor Graeme Clark, the inventor of the multiple-channel cochlear implant, and marketed CI systems in more than 100 countries. Cochlear hearing solutions have brought back closer to their families and friends until today more than 250,000 people. In cochlear guarantees all users of its products a lifetime partnership with updates and developments of the technologies. Cochlear secures its leading position in the science of listening to the industry’s largest investments in research and development and continuous collaboration with leading researchers and experts. The company employs currently over 2,500 people.
The German branch of cochlear is Hanover. For more information see. The Cochlear implant is inserted under the skin of the patients, ranging in the inner ear. It transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI also includes a sound processor with emitter, which is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults.
The concept of social inclusion (Latin inclusio: inclusion) stands for the ideal of a society in which everyone is accepted, in that anyone can unfold free and self-determined and no one is excluded. Similarly is the approach of inclusive education for the formation and education of each child regardless learns appreciation and promotion of his physical and mental conditions in a diverse community. In the 2006 adopted UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities the signatory States commit themselves to the establishment of an inclusive education system, in which the joint teaching of students with and without disabilities is the norm. How will be the practical implementation of such education in Germany, is currently subject to a societal understanding.
Tuesday, 29. January 2019
Event on February 17, 2009 in Dusseldorf at a public meeting on February 17 in the Dusseldorf NRW Forum culture and economy are experts refer, ways in which museums on migration and on the dramatic changes of the public structures can adapt. The event, which begins at 4: 00, is within the framework of instead, the programme for the professionalization of the intercultural arts and cultural management, which is funded by the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia. The admission is free. For participation, registration is required until February 13. Germany is the European nation with the most immigrants.
Around four million people with a migration background live in North Rhine-Westphalia alone, representing 23 percent of the population. “The study of untapped potential: on the situation of the integration in Germany”, which was presented by the Institute for population and development on 26 January in Berlin, has shown how urgent an interdisciplinary exploration of the phenomenon Migration still is. More information is housed here: Oracle. In addition to the integration into the labour market, also the cultural participation is an important indicator for integration. The question the unused potential”is increasingly also for cultural institutions. In addition to the aging of society, also the rising proportion of people with a migration background changed traditional audience structures of museums, theatres or concert halls.
They must relate to the cultural needs of the new”target groups adjust, make new offers and redefine perhaps also the own self-image. Especially for the museums, it is a great challenge. You save and celebrate what we have – inherited from the past in the sense of the bourgeois ideal of the modern, secularized Western world. How can they adapt well on fellow citizens with Turkish, far eastern, or African roots? At an event which will take place on February 17 in Dusseldorf, three experts are Museum workers, cultural mediators and representatives Cultural administrations discuss whether and how museums can benefit from demographic change. Paul van de Laar, Professor of history at the University of Rotterdam and Deputy Head of the local historical Museum, will ski adorn an Agenda 21 for museums. His provocative thesis: We need a de institutionalization of culture Temple from the 19th century. Asli Sevindim, Director of the city of cultures of the capital of Culture Ruhr. 2010, talks about integration concepts for the culture of the region. The Co-Director of the NRW Forum culture and economy, Werner Lippert, shows how his Museum institution seeks to promote the (inter) cultural competence through an ambitious programme of exhibitions. Through the questioning of everyday phenomena, the exhibition makers want to make aware of identities and cultural differences in visitors with a migration background and the German public. The event will be moderated by the cultural scientist Tina Jerman: she’s head of EXILE culture coordination in food, as well as project leader of