The Finding

Thursday, 28. February 2019

The preliminary examination determined whether the investment was made that these specifications, without the risk to people, can be implemented. Continue to check all documents for the manufacture of the lift. Examination includes examination of detailed control of the construction of the lift. The experts assessed whether all mass vote, used the correct electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, and whether all switches, hoist and safety devices have been properly attached and arranged. Testing the now collapsed or built-in ready lift needs before even an acceptance test be subjected to. It is to determine whether the plant was properly constructed, placed and secured. Nominal and test loads must be safely absorbed and redirected the resulting forces.

Of course, that is the finding of a proper functioning and the effectiveness of all safety devices to determine. Which tests must be performed strictly, summarized again here: check of the technical documentation: test book with master data sheet and complete plants and accordance with lift. Declaration of conformity; Operating instructions with Assembly and disassembly instructions; Load charts; Control plans; Information to the Foundation examination of the foundations of testing the suitability of the lift for intended use check the safety equipment and measures with regard to completeness, suitability and effectiveness functional test of the whole lift performing sample loads is the proper state of readiness and Functioning of the plant confirmed, she must be provided with a CE mark. Appropriate CE mark, get the online shop of the brewes GmbH. regular checks at the periodic maintenance inspections determined the operator the appropriate Auditors or experts. All documents and assistants, which are necessary for the examination, must be provided this. Furthermore a possibly contaminated plant must be cleaned to the extent, that a proper examination is possible. Should at most be one year gap between the individual maintenance checks.

Deficiencies should be identified, that must be corrected, depending on their safety importance in a reasonable period of time. The periodic Visual and operational checks consist of: State of the components and equipment inspection for damage, wear, corrosion, proper functioning and completeness of safety devices and brakes to determine (Kettwiesel with test load) Completeness of the test book completeness of markings, and signage all findings from the maintenance must be recorded in writing. In addition to the date and scope of the audit, also results and deficiencies and instructions included further operation and investigations in the documentation. Finally, the approved lift is provided with the appropriate certification label. You will receive the badge for the test according to BGG 945 in the online shop of the brewes GmbH.

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