
Wednesday, 17. January 2018

Skin, journal is exposed to thousands of toxic agents which have affected the epidermis, increasing the lines of expression and grains on the skin; guilty of the famous senilism so despised by people this has not only generated increased wrinkles in the face of some very young women but serious emotional conflicts between those that lack of proper care of their skin have squandered his best years at the mercy of lacking feelings of self-esteem. What is the dry skin? Skin dry and flaky, is an indication of lack of hydration and neglect. This is due to the lack of use of moisturizing products able to lubricate the dermis and also take care of the effects produced by the Sun and cold. What kind of products moisturize me the skin? The most important thing is moistening daily on your face by applying a quality product. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Coupang. Each person has his own skin and not all products take effect in furs.

For this reason, it is essential to use a natural protein that gives to the tissues the enough nutrients to give moisture and tonicity. What features do these moisturizing products? These molecules based on colageina not only returned the softness to your skin but the elasticity avoiding the spread of responsible for the appearance of expression lines premature wrinkles. What cream offers these benefits to my skin? The dust of the 10 colageina. Which is made of hydrolyzed collagen, elastin, keratin and vitamin C, whose molecules have the ability to distribute through the tissues of the bloodstream by repairing cells killed and at the same time giving it firmness and moisture to the skin in a matter of days. Advantages to using the Colageina powder? The difference of colageina with cream dust is to be easy to digest this it penetrates all the epidermis giving effective results in the least expected time. Is a premature wrinkle free skin possible? Yes. With the help of Colageina 10, an easy-to-digest dust and very effective the which will return the youth lost with only an investment.

How can I test the effectiveness of this powder? After 15 days of ingesting it. Similarly, telesales is pleased to offer you products 100% quality guaranteed by Fenalco seal you Mr. Cliente, to ensure security in the quality of everything what you buy. Where can I buy this product? For more information, you can contact the Call Center 091 2887700 in Bogota. Also, can go to one of the points of sale nationwide telesales has available for you or go to the web page (