
Friday, 30. November 2012

Representatives of marinas and nautical clubs of the island prefer to extend the offer of moorings in existing facilities rather than build new marine in Ibiza. Only the President of the Association of sport nautical facilities of Balearic Islands (Mallard) and Director of port Marina Botafoch, Cristina Mari, disagrees with the opinion of their peers and directly advocates the need to build new marinas. The Grup d Naturalesa Estudis (gene), Amics de la Terra and the Comisiones Obreras trade union also spoke against the construction of new ports, as explained by the President of the Consell, Vicent Serra, after the meeting which convened yesterday with the nautical and tourism sector representatives, employers, unions and environmentalists to try to seek consensus on the construction of marinas and golf courses. Trade unions UGT and use claimed to be in favour of the construction of new ports. After the breakdown of the negotiation of the Pact by the territory with the Coalition PSOE-Pacte per Evissa just over one month ago, the President of the Consell has opened the debate on the golf courses and marinas with groups linked with the tourist and nautical activity. And it won’t be the last meeting, according to Serra.

His idea is to move the discussion to the rest of society through the Consell of the territory. Representatives of marinas and nautical clubs, except Marina Botafoch, prefer to have a sectoral plan that analyzes the actual demand for moorings of the island and considered priority expand existing ports to meet the demand peaks of the tourist season, produced just one month a year, without the need to inject more cement on the coast. Some recalled that during the rest of the year there are many empty moorings and pointed out the possibility that specific enlargements are made only for the summer. They also asked that prior to authorizing a port scan your location and impact.

Chilean Chamber

Friday, 30. November 2012

Multiple support during the meeting the Mayor Omar Munoz said that the municipality of Coyhaique could support in any of the items linked with transport of dwellings to the town of Curepto – which was virtually destroyed by the February 27 earthquake – and with the delivery the permissions required to perform the dissemination of the idea, as for example the use of a public space in the Centre of the regional capital to install the pilot House as a way to give visibility to the initiative. It joins the commitment of a carrier who during solidarity dinner made by the Chamber of tourism of Coyhaique on Thursday night made available their trucks for transportation or other businessmen who have offered their collaboration in one way or another. Beside them school NOLS, the Chilean Chamber of construction and the workers of the stay Valle Chacabuco also expressed that they will be added with their own contributions. It is expected that within the coming to start a campaign to raise awareness at the regional level (for which already there are several names circling for designation), since although there are public resources for wood and housing panels developing the idea is that institutions and inhabitants of the Region of Aysen collaborate with economic, human resources or inputs for aspects not yet covered. To do this, one is calculating the value of each House, how much would be public contribution, how much private and amounts to be covered by citizenship, so so the community knows the fate of their collaboration, and the required totals.

Communal Coyhaique solidarity Committee mobilized civil society today has 15 members (individuals and representatives of organizations of civil society), but it is open to the participation of all citizens, groups and institutions which sit convened. To do so, this Monday, April 12 from held a new meeting at the headquarters of the Barrio Quinta Burgos, in 26 Rancagua (between the) Peanuts and passage Miraflores) from 20: 00 hours. Involved from the beginning in the idea Development Council Barrio Quinta Burgos, the grouping of forestry engineers by the native forest, the founding father Antonio Ronchi, the communal Union of boards of neighbors Pampas del Corral, the private corporation for the development of Aysen, the Association Regional Forestry and wood sector of Aysen, the lifestyle program Aysen ReservAsociacion Gremial loggers Patagonia, the trade association agricultural, livestock and forest Lake La Paloma and the school of guides of Patagonia.

Forum Economic World

Thursday, 29. November 2012

The sky does not close completely the way the men.Chinese proverb Latin America is very interested in properly addressing the threats that has generated economic crises and has convened a forum to deal with this matter in Rio Janeiro, Brazil. It is said that more than 500 leaders participating in the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Rio de Janeiro are included Presidents Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, of Brazil; Alvaro Uribe of Colombia, and Leonel Fernandez, of the Dominican Republic. Initially planned also the presence of the Costa Rican President, Oscar Arias, at the event, but ultimately it will not participate, they indicated the organisers to AFP the meeting occurs at a crucial moment for Latin America. After the G20 London Summit, it will be an opportunity to discuss how will be in concrete terms the regional response to the global crisis, said Emilio Lozoya, Chief for Latin America of the World Economic Forum (WEC, name of the event in English). Such as the says, the Latin American meeting of the Forum, it will be extended until Thursday 16, it will concentrate according to the organisers need to respond proactively to the economic crisis. The meeting comes at a crucial time for Latin America. After the recent Summit of the G20 in London, the event will be an opportunity for the participants to discuss what where the region’s response to the global economic crisis, in concrete terms, said Emilio Lozoya Austin, director of the world economic forum for Latin America Forum economic world, with its vast wealth of natural resources and biodiversityrelatively young and stable labor of financial systems, Latin America has the capacity to cope with the current crisis with success. However, it should not lose sight of the long term to harmonize economic growth with social progress. With its vast wealth in natural resources and biodiversity, strength of young labour and financial systems relatively stable, Latin America has the capacity to successfully confront the current crisis, said Lozoya.

Brazil Power

Wednesday, 21. November 2012

Using its persuasivo power for Brazil, it passes a good image to them of this country with continental dimensions, with favorable lands and climate for the practical one of agriculture, abundant waters, rivers with potential for navigation, then the same ones had imagined the paradise. This, for its time, offers for who topasse so great taken over on a contract basis, ticket of ship and the payment of the debts of who if it found in such situation. It joined then, a group of approximately eighty compatriots, which obtained to convince them to be it part of this project. Jean Maurice Faivre embarks for Brazil, also bringing equipment that them would be useful and necessary in its enterprise in the new world. In 17 of February of 1847, Faivre and its group had disembarked in Paranagu, the paranaense coast. The Paran, of this moment, as well as all the Brazilian territory, passes for important transformations, the paranaense historian Sergio Odilon Nadalin, comments in its workmanship ' ' Occupation of the Territory, Population and Migraes' '. The word ' ' colonizao' ' complete thus its direction in history.

I use to advantage to complete my thought: the colonies and the immigration of ' ' povoamento' ' they start to designate, for new strategical involved and the more or less diffuse ideas that were for detrs, changes in the colonial objectives. More ahead, but in the context of the ample transformations that if prepare during century XIX, it is started to hear some voices to it, which they esteem that it was of the slavery, and also of the colonies, they were finishing, prepared it transistion of the free work, of ethics of the adventure for ethics of the work, for a new rationality. Until then the word colonist she was understood only with one meaning agricultural, that is, one was about the peasant.


Wednesday, 21. November 2012

This is one of the support definitions most including. To be sustainable, any human enterprise must be ecologically correct, viable, economically socially just and culturally accepted. But these concepts, that seem obvious, simple signals of common-sense, unhappyly still are far from practical the daily one of many people, groups, companies and governments. As much that a world-wide movement for the support appears as reply to its opposite: the insustentabilidade provoked for what ecologically it is made a mistake, impracticable, economically socially unjust, culturally inaceitvel’ ‘.

Therefore this article intends to focar some of the main questions related with these aspects and which they are some of the possible passages to be taken. MAN, ENVIRONMENT AND QUALITY OF LIFE According to Minayo (1998), all the debate that turns around estimated the surrounding subject part of two basic ones: the first one is the relation to be human being-nature and as, in which drift of this relation, is the environment concept, understands as it, it is constructed by the action of the man, and of this form it can be rethink, be reconstructed and be modified, in view of our present and future responsibility with the existence, the conditions and the quality of life, not only of the human beings, but as of all the biosfera. Currently we are witnessing the effect caused for the urbanization process, arriving practically to disentail the human being of its relationship with the nature. The development of the urban way results in intense and deep manipulation of the environment. From there to elapse accented modifications that fall again on the landscape, the community, the psychological and physiological state of inhabitants, beyond giving to origin the cultural factors, economic as politicians who, isolatedly or collectively, influence or in such a way same determine the quality of life of the there resident population (FORATTINI, 1991, P.