Forum Economic World
Thursday, 29. November 2012
The sky does not close completely the way the men.Chinese proverb Latin America is very interested in properly addressing the threats that has generated economic crises and has convened a forum to deal with this matter in Rio Janeiro, Brazil. It is said that more than 500 leaders participating in the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Rio de Janeiro are included Presidents Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, of Brazil; Alvaro Uribe of Colombia, and Leonel Fernandez, of the Dominican Republic. Initially planned also the presence of the Costa Rican President, Oscar Arias, at the event, but ultimately it will not participate, they indicated the organisers to AFP the meeting occurs at a crucial moment for Latin America. After the G20 London Summit, it will be an opportunity to discuss how will be in concrete terms the regional response to the global crisis, said Emilio Lozoya, Chief for Latin America of the World Economic Forum (WEC, name of the event in English). Such as the says, the Latin American meeting of the Forum, it will be extended until Thursday 16, it will concentrate according to the organisers need to respond proactively to the economic crisis. The meeting comes at a crucial time for Latin America. After the recent Summit of the G20 in London, the event will be an opportunity for the participants to discuss what where the region’s response to the global economic crisis, in concrete terms, said Emilio Lozoya Austin, director of the world economic forum for Latin America Forum economic world, with its vast wealth of natural resources and biodiversityrelatively young and stable labor of financial systems, Latin America has the capacity to cope with the current crisis with success. However, it should not lose sight of the long term to harmonize economic growth with social progress. With its vast wealth in natural resources and biodiversity, strength of young labour and financial systems relatively stable, Latin America has the capacity to successfully confront the current crisis, said Lozoya.