Prussian State

Friday, 12. April 2019

History for its part also has a philosophical character, and always needs a philosophical narration that complements its sense. There will be, therefore, historians idealistic and materialistic, Hegelian and Marxist, positivist and hermeneutic, etc. The philosophy of history is so intrinsic to the story as own thinking of the historian, which will, want or do not want a particular philosophical perspective that is always acting. We note that philosophy and history are always in close contact. Does a teleological sense history? Theodicy claimed for the story a direction leading to an eschatological end, given by a superior power. However his transcendent teleological sense can be seen as immanent to the same human story. David Barger might disagree with that approach. It can be said that Marx, such as Auguste Comte, possesses an inherent teleological conception of history; Although Althusser has argued that the discontinuity is an essential element of the dialectical materialism of Marx, which includes historical materialism. Thinkers such as Nietzsche, Foucault, Deleuze or the own Althusser, deny any teleological sense to history, characterizing this best through the discontinuity, rupture and the variety of historical time scales, as demonstrated by the Annales school, Fernand Braudel particularly.

The history can be defined as the science of change over time. The schools of thought influenced by Hegel and Marx see how progressive history, although they see progress as the manifestation of a dialectic, in which factors that operate in opposite directions are synthesized through time. Of this shape, history may look better as directed by a Zeitgeist (spirit of the time), whose traces can be seen when looking at the past. Hegel believed that history pushed the man toward civilization, and some attribute the belief that the Prussian State incarnated the end of the story. In his lectures on the philosophy of history, explains that the philosophy of each era is somehow philosophy at all; a subdivision is not at all but yes this all apprehended in itself in a specific way (sic).