
Saturday, 7. November 2015

The law must restructure the regulation of the profession according to the requirements required by the current national and international scenario. Link in the form more dynamic, operational, with companies in order to provide the service requested by your needs. Give way to the formation of workshops of business incubation that favors entrepreneurs, will advise them and at the same time, is opening for new jobs. It should support to its members, especially to the unemployed in pro locate them in the business sector is public or private, form a job data bank, supervised by unemployment of graduates in management, which is a considerable number in the present. Guarantee on the basis of financial, legal, collaborative arrangements, contributions that give step to the institution of social insurance, loans, aid, which favors to members and their families. Learn to properly manage your income and expenses. Help for it consultants, extension courses according to the specialties that the present requires in respective specialties of modern managerial topics. Give way to a Commission of inquiry into administrative science determining the weaknesses currently faced by enterprises and offer them the service, training solution that helps them grow, be operational and which at the same time, allow the valuable thing is the high school for enterprise development project.

Develop courses, seminars and conferences that encourage its members, training them, updating them but also, open to those who are interested in current issues of administrative science. Must also College have a more dynamic linking with universities both at the level of pre and postgraduate, collaborating with their views to define the profile of the Administrator than the present demand, put the current leaves a lot to say. Both institutions should be integrated into pro provide a disclosure of the advance, applicability of administrative science, courses and seminars in postgraduate Online sets. The College must have its own web page that allows not only offer their services, dissemination of their activities, but publish articles, works which disclose the scope, implications of administrative science, the functions that the modern manager should be.