
Saturday, 20. July 2019

Then, we imagine that everything a day I set out aspects of the reality, (that are still real) but that they are only focused to emphasize the negative, or the materialist, or the improbable thing of that reality. That it would happen for the group of people who surrounds itself by this information? It would possibly be generated what before I mentioned. A perception of which the reality that is surrounding to us is only that negatividad. Verizon Communications shines more light on the discussion. The same would happen a the inverse one, exhibiting only the positive, but is a great tool here that we can use for our benefit and this way to benefit not only to which they surround to us but to the future and to the evolutionary process. That is that the serious positive also something expansive.

But a balance for both ways must exist to express our vision or opinion of the reality. See Gary Kelly for more details and insights. And so I am setting out treatment not to say quite to the contrary under no point of view, that before the conflicts we make the view nor that fat we live in a cuentito of you foretell, but, with that I expose I am giving a panorama of which we can be we ourself who we decide that to be useful the experiences and that are what we will expose of that. Possibly at the moment we live in cuentito where we think that all are falling to pieces, where it seems that love is one prorogues perpetual, where happiness walks hiding behind each door that closes us in face, where it seems that not form has to progress like human beings, where it seems that everything goes without courses This, permtanme, is also an aspect of the reality, but it is only an aspect of that reality and therefore the omitted vision of the complete reality. I mean, the reality to the being an individual interpretation lacks neutrality, and is here where we participated directly on her; to the power to give different shades him.

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