Fund Energy

Tuesday, 20. February 2018

Energy capital invest continues their streak of success and will offer the tenth US of oil and gas Fund in the near future. Stuttgart, 30.03.2011. The Stuttgart-based energy specialist it conceptually connected to the predecessor fund investor-friendly designed and offer a continued with a short maturity, an attractive concept of security as well as high, taking into account the retention of progression, tax-free income. In detail a nominal yield to be achieved for investors during the short term until December 31, 2013 by up to 14 percent per year. Again there is the bonus of an early artist – the first reduced to already be in the fourth quarter of 2011. Also in the oil and gas Fund X GmbH & co. KG is US the initiator, the energy capital invest, which primarily serve the investors free of charge bring a needed mineral extraction rights for the extraction of petroleum and natural gas.

The comprehensive security package is also once again offered this Fund. The investment objects are located in the same region in the energy capital Invest has already several times successfully drilled. All previous holes we are pushed, than originally expected on larger reservoirs. “And also the pipelines essential for the production will be completed shortly,” explains Kay Rieck as Managing Director of the energy capital invest. Also the private placement received a few weeks ago in the sales, the US oil and gas Fund IX GmbH & co. KG”, with an investment volume of EUR 21 million (plus five percent agio) and a participation from at least 200.0000 euro is well underway. The energy capital invest management expects the successful placement here already within the next few weeks. “The current developments in the international energy markets with prices beyond the US$ 100-brand for a barrel crude oil plays us undoubtedly also in the cards”, says Rieck. It is also no wonder that exist for the new Fund of the Stuttgart already now so many requests that he rest in fact might be already placed.

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