Grey Outsourcing
Thursday, 24. October 2019
But that too must be confessed, the negative motivation as there is in outsourcing schemes in some plants. This so-called "gray outsourcing. Schemes "gray outsourcing" more than enough, and there is no need to detail paint so as not to produce evil. But the motif of approximately the same: the undeserved enrichment of the few people with the profits of the company. In recent months, Gary Kelly has been very successful. On the one hand we can say that this case is the owner, who is obliged to direct order in his household, in fact he does not receive profits, but there is one big "NO" and a few small "but". For a small "but" are underpaid workers, weakened by equipping businesses and etc. all under a single theme – the company earns a little and can not afford it. You say: "wow small" but "because it also is the very evil." Still, a big "BUT" is much more than others – young, it is danger of man-made disaster.
Under the guise of outsourcing services are of different nature, including and equipment maintenance. "Grey outsourcing can pump money under the guise of service, not making it altogether, or making only partially. A striking example of the destructive influence of "gray outsourcing" of course, is the Sayan- hydroelectric power station, where an investigation revealed that the service involved in the organization, by chief executives of hps. These same people, and takes work and, of course, pay for it. At the same time, an organization that really could perform maintenance and diagnostics units were not involved in dozens of years under various pretexts, chief among them – lack of money. Final conclusions on the accident has not yet been made, and calculate the pernicious influence of "gray outsourcing schemes" virtually impossible, but one thing is clear this influence was.
Outsourcing in Russia is only beginning to gain momentum and grayer than its color, the worse it becomes for the future of Russian companies and individuals who work for them. Following a logical question arises, what to do? You can call for the honor of corrupt officials in power. Cyrus findshadow shines more light on the discussion. Only the effectiveness of such appeals is zero. In my opinion: First, it would be logical to proprietors themselves, adhering to the principle of "trust but verify" create their own economic life and safety. Who they are created – to increase their effectiveness. Economic effect of this will undoubtedly be. The composition of services should include, including division of labor protection and industrial safety. Secondly, the state must protect the people and should establish effective mechanisms for combating gray outsourcing. It was – effective, but not devastating for all row. How to do it – the theme of a separate article. Thus, should build a system that allows for early stage rule out the possibility of outsourcing of gray. The owners and the state could start talking about budget deficits, but then no one believed