Hip Hop And Formation Of Values In The School

Wednesday, 4. July 2018

SUMMARY the present article argues the importance of the dance hip hop in the formation of values in the life of pupils of 6 to 9 year of a municipal School in Carlos Chagas (MG). The phase of the adolescence is characterized by diverse psico-social and biological transformations that generate diverse conflicts as the use of drugs, prostitution and upheavals in auto-esteem. The article shows through authors, the importance that hip hop can have in the life of these individuals. The work has as objective to verify the importance of hip hop in the formation of values for pupils of 6 9 year, showing to the young and who practises what it feels and it knows, it learns through the directions and of the contacts right-handers and the corporal expression, showing to the individual that it is a spontaneous artist who dramatiza the routine of the life, and that with motor experience will follow a happyer and balanced way. This article is resulted of a qualitative bibliographical research of descriptive character. We conclude that the art it dances can extend the agreement and the performance of the pupils, ahead of the vital questions gifts in the society of our days, mainly hip-hop that it serves the man as half to free of torpidity the body and mind of the conditionings taxes for the daily life being an excellent instrument of learning and formation of values and consequentemente in the formation of the adolescent who the main objective of in agreement school the curricular parameters of the School.

Words – Hip keys hop, Formation of Values, Adolescents. CROSS, Julian of the holy, 2011. Present SUMMARIZES The bibliographical proposal is about the dances ‘ ‘ hip hop’ ‘ in the formation of values in the life of students from the 6th you the 9th to year of elementary school through.

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