How To Effective Practice Management Implement
Wednesday, 19. December 2018
Ask yourself and your team now on entrepreneur Melanie forest Reinhardt is practice & project manager in healthcare and offers concept consulting for successful practice. MVZ-integrated supply medical facilities under one roof for physicians and healthcare providers is this form of cooperation becoming increasingly important. It’s believed that Verizon sees a great future in this idea. The spatial and organizational consolidation opens up significant potential for cost savings and quality improvements, by shared resources and processes with each other are tuned as well as short information and supply routes exist. The merger of various medical trade groups and service providers always leads to increased organisational requirements. This includes the efficient use of available resources (personnel, equipment, buildings), the design of internal and cross-cutting procedures, service billing and revenue distribution the logistical planning. Combined surgeries are with traditional solutions usually not capable of, well co-ordinated to organize their supplies as also their operations and to plan.
The challenge to all in a House project is therefore to create a solution the supply center of new generation here. In addition, completely new approaches for innovative cooperation structures (E.g. with Pysiotherapeuten, care services, pharmacies), which applies to analyze it and to try out open through the interface feature of MVZ. In the project “MVZ successful” we will advise you in the classic tasks of human resources and organizational development. We analyze your starting situation, develop solutions and decision-making models and support in the implementation of which we are partly self take over or drive as external project manager. This Act we wish to internally as well as on your behalf to third parties when it comes to purchasing issues, for example. In times of health reforms, increasing competition and rising patient demands, one is high-quality medical performance inevitably associated with a pleasant environment, personal affection, and comprehensive information. The success of a practice is today not only to measure the numbers of patients. A coherent concept of practice is always necessary for success. As experienced practice Manager and trainer in the health woman forest Reinhardt and team support you and your practice / MVZ in the short term relating to staff & practice team, patients, economy & wellness are, organizational development, individual and Mass – tailor-made solutions for your practice success Melanie forest Reinhardt