Human Life
Friday, 2. August 2019
Good it would be if the spring happened the time all, blossoming, at last, in the form of acts, positive words and thoughts. When observing minutely the nature sees a habitat of wealth, full of felt and meaning of the existence human being. In the current state of the world it has many reasons for pessimism. Some numbers scare. Poverty of income: 2 billion live with less of US$ 2 per day and to each eight seconds die a child for malnutrition; access poverty the energy: 1,6 billion people without electricity; poverty of water lack: 1,8 million deaths/year for absence of sanitation, hygiene and drinking waters. Changes of climate, losses of biodiversity, international unreliability, usurpation of human rights, social inaquality. It has much thing missed in world, but who has to be able to also destroy reconstructs.
On the other hand to as many problems, never before in history the humanity as much as much abundance, longevity, comfort and innumerable and modern options of consumption live with. As Franois Truffaut said, ' ' the pessimist is an optimist with experincia' '. He can yourself be looked at for a cup with half of water and be said: he is almost full or he is almost empty. Of that side if to locate? The uneven and optimistical spring invites: one confides, it is allowed, it used to advantage the chances of this new breeze. One becomes related, feels the beauty that has is there, leaves its only perfume to exhale of inside for it are, not subject the bees, them only polinizem the life! It makes its part, gives its parcel of contribution, starting for changing the status of negative things to your redor. It thinks about those kept projects, its graal of well-being, about its contained abilities and allows unclasping of everything this. It is said farewell to the bad habits and comes back its attention toward the positive aspects of the life.
It launches a look different for the same scenes. It invites you to the spring to develop its sensitivity, to renew, to recycle, to florir! It does not have clear reply of how much time it remains to live deeply the fullness of this station. For certain a gardener of each one exists inside, soon to construct most beautiful of the gardens, to decorate gris redores.