International Society

Wednesday, 24. April 2019

What also in them it seems clearly is that the modern sector, over all the industrial bourgeoisie, suffered a split with the massive penetration from the international capital in the Brazilian economy. Of this split a redefinition of the forms resulted to face the paper of the State in the direction of the economy and the global development. According to Ramos and Melo (1992,1994) in practical if it will not be able to construct an educational model directed toward the interests of the workers if the proper capitalist social relations will not be reorganized. As it is known, the dominant forms to produce, to consume, to become related in our society neoliberal generate definitive lines of socialization, in some chaos, can enter in conflict with educative system e, in others, to be strengthened by it. At last, an education must be authentic and useful for the individual, must introduziz them in the studies, not only in basic education for its survival and yes in the study of the local and world-wide problems that affect in them.

Developing in this form a critical thought, the autocrtica, processes this inherent to an authentic education and free society. We are walking in the direction of an interdependent world, in which any fact that occurs in one definitive region will have influence in the remain of the planet. Modernity tries a gradual interpretation between national and the International, global and the place. The society of the information allows joint, in real time, of all the humanity and, thus it develops a conscience of planetarizao without precedents. On the other hand, the globalization can be seen as process unchained for the neoliberal economy that privileges countries and individuals economic and socially favored and excludes still more already kept out of society. The education must have as objective the power to direct this trend in way that it benefits most of the population and not only one few.

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