Managing Director

Wednesday, 7. May 2014

Only 18 months duration at 8.25 percent after tax yield p.a. Hamburg, September 14, 2011. “It is the pride of Majorca the Kameha Bay portal for its reconstruction the Hamburger emission House United investors with the Fund of cosmopolitan estates Mallorca” took over the procurement of equity. “The industry service capital-market internally praises rightly, United investors have optimized the revenue opportunities and safety elements and at the same time reduce the risks.” This has been possible thanks to a concept where the developer only gets back his already invested 7.5 million euros, if the investors have earned their income by 14.5 percent after taxes within the next 18 months. So far, 70 percent of the 10.8 million equity could be placed. Hauke Bruhn explains this offer also many large investors interested, so that we are with the average amount of drawing bills significantly ahead of the market”, as Managing Director of United investors.

It offers everything to heart and To satisfy mind, because as a leading hotel often the world on the Balearic Islands, with a secured lease for 20 years and a cost estimate with high risk discount, deserves the yield from the Fund already today as well. Hotel operators will be the LH & Management AG, which specializes in international lifestyle hotels & resorts. In addition: A current amendment for Mallorca enabled the developer an area increase by ten percent, which promises an optimization of space efficiency and thus higher income. As a result, this ensures the level of return for investors, because the purchase price is of course also on the potential revenue of the hotels. A further award of the hoteliers Carsten K. Rath shows that this portal in the best hands Kameha Bay. He has been to many already received titles, for example, the innovation award of the German tourism industry, most recently as hotel manager of the year 2011 “honored.

So also a holistic is healing intelligently Concept”ensure that adapts to the hotel in its offer of the respective season and thus is in demand throughout the year. For example, you may want special health pavilions during the winter months”offer to enable so preventive or treatment measures in an exclusive environment. The interior design of the also award-winning architect Marcel Wanders this completes the highly exclusive overall impression, which it never lack in comfort. A participation in the cosmopolitan estates Mallorca is still”possible. The minimum contribution is 25,000 euros, which may be waived in some cases. A premium does not apply. While the only small residual maturity of the Fund and the predictable cash are likely to be particularly interesting”, Banu says. The Hamburg-based issuers on a successor Fund, which should be announced after the closure of this participation design due to the wide interest.

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